
The air out in the courtyard was icy, and made Ivory's ears and, nose, cheeks, and fingers go bright red and almost completely numb. The rain had finally stopped, but silver clouds overhead still looked threatening.

In the center of the courtyard stood a very fat man, with very little hair, and a cloak that reached the backs of his ankles. The seams were purple.

He stood between two grey stone statues. One of a short satyr, and the other of a beautiful nymph.

"Your late, Ms. Evans." Said Mr. Anne.

"Apologies, sir. But--"

Mr. Anne had taken his wand from his pocket so fast Ivory had barely had time to realize what he had done before she noticed that she hadn't stopped talking of her own free will.

"Lesson one; do. Not. Apologize."

He looked her over. Not as if she were a student of his, but as of she were a disobedient mut. Finally he lowered his wand, and she could feel her throat relax as the magic lifted.

"Do you know who I am child?" Asked Mr. Anne as he pocketed his wand again.

"You're my mentor. Macaria told me that you would help me find out what I am. You are going to test me. Is that right?"

Mr. Anne nodded.

Once again, his eyes rolled over her, and she felt as if she were under a microscope.

"You lack too much. I cannot teach you much, but I will try my best." Said Mr. Anne, as he stroked his beardless chin.

"What does that--"

All of a sudden, Mr. Anne's wand was in his hand again, and Ivory was flat on her back.

Her heart fluttered as she struggled for air. Finally after silently gasping for breath, slowly her throat reopened and allowed air to seep back into her lungs. And for a moment, Ivory couldn't get enough.

"If you were an enchanter, you would have defended yourself better--"

"With what? You didn't give me a wand." Ivory coughed as she pushed herself upright.

Mr. Anne nodded, then he pocketed his wand once again. He made a motion with his hands, and Ivory was on her back again.

"God, man, you've got to stop doing that," said Ivory, as she slowly got to her feet.

"Right, your turn now," said Mr. Anne.

Ivory tried to focus, but she felt stupid.

"This isn't me. I'm not going to be able to blast you back as you did me--"

"Oh, you wouldn't be able to do anything like that even if you tried." Said Mr. Anne.

"Then why bother asking me to?"

"Because; now I know that you are definitely not an enchanter. Enchanters are very passionate and eager to prove themselves."

"I think I've proven myself enough just by coming here."

"Do you now?" Laughed Mr. Anne." you know ms. Evans, with an attitude like that, I'd guess you were--"

"A demon." Came another's voice from across the yard. A boy with icy blond hair was making his way over to Ivory and Mr. Anne.

"Am I correct sir?" Asked the boy. Mr. Anne nodded approvingly. "You are quite right kylo."

The boy looked at least three years older than Ivory. One of his hands was gripping a bow that was sling around himself, and his gold-seamed cloak looked quite a bit longer than Ivory's.

The boy extended his hand, "Kylo Grimm, your majesty."

Ivory shook his hand.

"Grimm? Are you by chance related to Charlie and Jax Grimm?"

Kylo frowned. "yes I am. Why, have you met them? Charlie's usually alright, but sometimes he and Jax fool around just a bit too much. Whatever it is that they've done I'll set them straight, not to worry."

"Oh, no. It's nothing like that, their both very, erm...charming."

Kylo tossed back his head in laughter. "One in your position should not suck up to her servants Ms. Evans."

"Kylo boy, where are you off to now?" Mr. Anne interrupted.

"The forges," Kylo unsheathed a silver dagger that Ivory had not noticed had been hanging at his side. "Needs a bit of repairing, then perhaps a good Polish."

"We'll get on with it then, your queen is testing."

Kylo looked back at Ivory and she hoped her face wasn't as red as it felt. Being called "Queen" or "Your majesty" put her in a very uncomfortable position.

"Well, best of luck to you," said Kylo.

Ivory smiled after him as he went, but was truly very thankful that he was gone.

"Now Ms. Evans," said Mr. Anne. "Take my wand--here you go--steady now...Alright. try and knock me over."

Ivory let out a long and heavy sigh, and get into position. She knew that she would not be able to blast Mr. Anne. But if he thought that she might be able to, then it was definitely worth the try.