Chapter 1; A Hole In Her Heart

THE Man who was busy looking at the bunch of clothes hanging on the rack got surprised when she slapped his arms to get his attention. "My God Danielle! Your giving me a heart attack."

She couldn't help herself but laugh when Macky's gayness came out. "Sorry." She gave him a peace sign. "Be careful. Better watch yourself my friend. Cathy's just nearby."

He automatically stand like a real man by just hearing his girlfriend's name. He consciously look around to look for her, scared that she might hear them. "Where is she?"

"Hey, hey. Take it easy. I was just kidding." She said chuckling. "She's not here. Don't worry."

Cathy is her friend and at the same time, she's Macky's girlfriend. Macky is a gay but Cathy didn't know about it. She's the only one who knew that Macky is a gay.

"You trick me Danielle. I hate you." He frowned ignoring her and continue inspecting the clothes in the rack.

"Are you mad at me now?"

"Yes. Isn't it obvious?"

"So sorry my friend. I'm just kidding, okay?"

"It's not funny." He glare at her. "What took you so long? You have a lot of explaining to do. I've been waiting for you for almost two hours now."

"I forget the time." She fake a laugh. "My bad."

"If you're forgotten, I want to remind you that this boutique is yours too but you were absent for a couple of days now. And on top of that, you disappear and unreachable without notice. I was a bit startled and surprised when you called me first this morning."

"I'm so sorry Macky. My incompetence trouble you again and again. I try not to but I always failed of doing so. I'm really sorry. I know you're disappointed with me."

Raffie Danielle Riccardi. She's a fashion designer and own her own boutique. The Rain Boutique. Some of her gowns personally design by her. She's very hard working and always gave her whole heart on what she do. She's cheerful, always smiling as if everything is okay but she have a painful past that she can't seems to forget.

The man she gave her heart and entrust her whole life leave her when she needed him most. He just disappeared without a trace and nowhere to be found. She wait and waited for him every single day but he didn't shown up. Not even for once. She hated him so much but deep inside her she still waiting that one day he'll come back. It's been years but she's still hoping to meet him, just for once. She want to hear his explanation, even it's just white lies.

Just remembering that jerk of a man pain her and make her teary eye. Leaving a hole in her heart and at the same time it's make her blood boil in so much anger.


She won't never forgive him and she'll gonna make sure of that. She surely will.

"Danielle?" Macky called her again, louder this time so she hear him.

"Huh?" She asked absent-mindedly. "Y-you were saying something Macky?"

"What's happening to you? Did something bothering you?"

"No, n-no. It's nothing. I just remember something." She force a smile, saying that everything is okay and there's nothing for him to worry about.

"Why? What happened?"

"I was too busy lately. Mrs. Tan asked me to make the gown of her models to be special, glamorous and unique. She and her models will be attending a big event this weekend. She's rushing me and call me time to time just to check on me and if I'm doing my job, asking if I'm done or not. She's giving me a really hard time. It's so very stressing that it slipped my mind to call you. No, to be more precise I have no time to call you and to do other things." Just remembering it make her worn out. Mrs. Tan is her biggest client, if not she already severe her business relationship with that old maid. She's really pain in the neck. Very demanding, always complaining, and criticize everything, may it small and even to the smallest and tiny things.

Maybe, even a few more years passed she probably won't get use to Mrs. Tan attitude. She feel like her hair will turn white earlier than expected because of that woman.

"Why didn't you tell me your having a hard time?" His annoyed face replace in worry.

"It's okay. I don't want to worry you on just a simple things." Macky always help her with a lot of things, no almost with everything. Sometimes he do all the work by himself. She don't know what to do with her life without him. For her, he's more than a family, a friend and more than a real brother she could ask for.

Macky Martin, her bestfriend help her what she is today. And she will be forever and always grateful to him for that.

"I'm your bestfriend Danielle."

"I didn't say you are not." She joke and focus her attention to inspect the gowns on the rack too. "Is this all the gown you just brought?" She chose to change the topic. She don't want to make him worry more than he already are. That'd be selfish of her.

"Yes. I get them from someone I just meet."

"They'll look unique and elegant. I love the fabric they use on it. Are you sure you get them in the lowest price?"

"Of course. It's doubtful that the owner gave me a cheapest price but the thought that we will earn a lot wash my doubt. I'm sure of it so I buy them all without hesitation."

"How do you know that person?"

"Last week, on the party I attended to. We talked a lot as if we know each other for a lifetime. She was nice and easy to talk too. When she found out that I was a co-owner of your boutique she offer me this gowns."

"I see." She nodded her head in approval.

After a long silence, Macky broke it.



"I'm going to Canada."

"Ha?" She stop on her track. She didn't see that coming. "W-when will you came back?"

"I don't know. Maybe I stay there for some quite time. I really can't tell but I came back as soon as I can."

"When are you leaving?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"What?" She look at him surprised, with widen eyes. "That soon?"

"Yeah but don't worry. I ask Cathy to help you to manage the Boutique."

"No, no! You don't have to do that Macky. That absurd. I can do it alone. I don't want to bother her."

"I know, I know but I also know that you have more important things to do other than here. You ask me to work here to help you right?"

"Yeah. Without you I can't do anything. But that's not the point. I know you, you won't leave if it's not that important. Your mom needs you."

Macky need to leave to Canada because his mother was ill. His mother needs him. It's been long since he last saw his mother.

"Thank you. You understand my situation Danielle. I promise I'll be right back as soon as my mom's condition gets better. Maybe she just got sick because she misses me already."

"She surely are. Well, you are the only one to blame. You forgotten your duty as her son. I just hope my Rainier won't do that to me." She added to make Macky more guilty. She couldn't stop herself but to feel guilty too. She knew, deep inside her that she took the time Macky should spend with his mother. He helped and stay with her without complain instead of taking care of his own mom. She should help him too but he always ended the one who helped her. "Don't worry about me. You don't have to hurry. Just take your time with your mom. Make more quality time with her and make sure to make her happy. I'm sure she miss you do death already. Oh, by the way what time is your flight?"

"First thing in the morning. Why?" He said and then ask Bella, their trusted secretary to make coffee for them.

"Cathy and I will take you to the airport. Please don't," She stop him before he can open his mouth. She knew he'll protest but she won't let him. "You're not allowed to refuse."

"But Danielle—"

"No more but my friend. My decision is final. I don't take no for an answer." She said with finality, giving him no choice but to agree.