
Cassi's P.O.V

Hi! I am Cassi please allow me to bring you to the story of my origin.


My father Leonardo, was born in 1959 in the village of Colorado.

A year after, Leah my mom, was born in the same district.

Several years later, during their youth, dad in the age of nineteen, established himself as one of the "professional" drunkards in their community. Mom, on the other hand: at the age of eighteen: is a responsible, kind-hearted, God-fearing, and loving person. Both are well-known in their district.

At that time, mom hated dad because he was a loudmouth and a nuisance in their community. On the other hand, dad has a secret crush on mom but cannot deny his alcohol dependence. That is why he kept his affection for mom, the foreboding of being ridiculed by her.

One afternoon, while my father and his band of merry drinkers were in their "exclusive boys club territory," a visitor dressed in slacks pants and donning a hat came. No one knew him and the villagers rarely saw visitors coming because, at that time, their place was a lack of transportation to their place. The visitor stopped on their group and said:

" Excuse me, may I have a minute? I am a literature evangelist or commonly called a colporteur. I need to show some pictures for my mini-presentation of books that we would like to sell."

Dad wanted to get rid of the man, like a loudmouth; he disparaged and denigrated him. The man was being used to his works; expected a situation like this; knowing that my father was drunk and was not in his right mind, he- was not phased. Instead, he silently prayed to God to touch my father's heart. Without further ado, dad was convinced, touched by God, and readily consented and signed the order receipt.

The colporteur's name was Rony James. He asked dad and his group:

"Where will I deliver your book?"

Jestingly, dad answered:

"Here, under the shade of the hut."

"This is our office!" Dad and his group said in chorus.

Little did they know, Leah(my mom) was secretly observing my father; even though she thinks that he is a nuisance in the neighborhood: my mother found him attractive.

When mom noticed that Mr. James was leaving from dad's group, she approached him and said:

"Hi, Mr. may I ask you what was your business to that group?"

Mr. James stopped on his track and took this opportunity to introduce himself and his work.

"Oh, sure. I am Rony James a literature evangelist or colporteur. I just presented and sold books to them. Would you like to look and order too?"

"What did Leonardo order?" mom replied.

"The Great Controversy."

"What is that book?" mom asked.

After a short introduction to the book, Mr. James convinced mom to order the same book; as Dad's. She signed the order receipt, said their goodbyes then Mr. James left the district.

Days passed Mr. James came back to deliver the book as promised.

During the delivery, Mr. James came, and indeed, the men (dad's group) were in their "office." Thankfully, dad bought the book, and mom bought it as well.

During their free time, mom and dad read the book, and that was the first time they met God and slowly accepted Him in their lives.


There was a day when they are reminded by God through the tragic incident; as the result, Leonardo and Leah became fully pledged, Christian. They fell in love with each other and got married.

After marriage, thinking of exploring life, they flew from their home and landed in the city of Davao, got three kids, and here I am born in this circus called life.


Hello readers! Thank you for choosing this book.

In the following chapters, Cassi and Isabel will meet; you will witness their roller coaster love story, and you will see if they have a happy ending or not.

Just continue reading and support them.

And by the way, I am open to any inputs and suggestions. Thank you!