Sweet little cat

“My Beloved Bastard”

Author by Natalie Ernison

Jasmeen is now lying weak alone, without anyone helping to care for her. However, this has been common for her from childhood to adulthood now.

Drrtt ... Jaes' cell phone had been ringing all this time, but she was unable to move much because she had a high fever.

Knock knock knock ... the sound of knocking on the door in a row.

Jaes only shed tears because of the heat of the body temperature.

“Jasmeen Jasmeen .. !!” someone was calling her, and ..

Bhuakk ... the sound of slamming the door was so loud.

“Jasmeen !!! what happened to you ??” Said Remost who had just arrived.

“Hey ... why is your body temperature this hot? Let's go, doctor ..”

“No, Sir .. don't go to the doctor hhh ...” Jaes said as she slowly grabbed Remost's sleeve.

Apparently Remost Masterke Jaes 'room door forcibly, because he had been hearing Jaes' cellphone all along.

“Okay, I'll just call the doctor over here ...” Remost reached into his trouser pocket and started fiddling with his cell phone screen.

“Hello, Master the ... ohh yeah is now, in the apartment xx ..-”

“Be patient, the doctor will be here soon ...”

“Why did Remost come?” Jaes said with a sad face.

“Of course I'm very worried about you. It's been almost a week that you haven't come for final assignment guidance. It turns out you're like this! Why not contact me ..” said Remost who looked so very worried.


“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen ...” said someone from behind the door of Jaes' room, and at once Jaes opened her eyes, it seemed she was familiar with the voice.

“Please come in Master Cullen ..” said Remost, inviting a doctor into Jaes' private room.

It turned out that Cullen was a surgeon specialist. Even though he is a vicious vampire, Cullen is tough enough to hold back his temper to drink blood. For Cullen, virgin blood was blood he only wanted to drink.

Jaes, who initially did not open her eyes too much, now has rounded her eyes and the look in her eyes has become attached to the handsome doctor Cullen.

“Looks like the fever is very high, Remost.” Cullen said with a sad smile at Jaes, Jaes could only squeeze his bedsheet. He was very surprised and also afraid of mixed tastes.

“Yeah, right, he's very feverish. Please do your best for her.” Said Remost, touching the back of Jaes' hand as if to signal that everything will be all right.

“Is this your lover?” said Cullen deliberately asking that.

Hhaaha.. “Why do you ask so many questions Cullen, don't you care about other people's business!” Say Remost in a tone.

“Of course I care, you are my best friend Remost.” Said Cullen with such sharp eyes on Jaes.

“We love each other, but there is a problem we have to solve first.”

“Stoped! Mister Remost!” Jaes said with an annoyed face.

“Why Jasmeen, don't we really love each other? Take it easy, Cullen has been my best friend since school.” Said Remost while holding Jaes' hand.

Cullen's eyes grew darker, and he didn't like Remost's treatment of his cute girl, let alone the emotion to touch Jaes' hand.

“Jasmeen, you have to eat! I'll go out for a while to buy food for the three of us. I leave my woman.” Remost said then just left, and now the rest of Jaes with Cullen.

After feeling that Remost was far away from them, Cullen stepped over to the bed where Jaes was currently lying.

“It turns out that Remost was the man who made you cry for love!” Said Cullen while locking Jaes under his body, from the side.

“Stop your bullshit!” Jaes shouted irritated, she even turned her face to the right side to avoid eye contact.

“Hey, I'm talking !!” Cullen grabbed Jaes' jaw with his left hand.

“Get off me !! get out of here!”

“Go !! hahaha ...

“The doctor is treating you, dear, why are you playing like that ..” Cullen uncovered the blanket that was currently covering Jaes's body.

Ah, Jaes is wearing a thin nightgown, she's not even wearing a bra.

Wow... “Beautiful dear ...” Cullen said looking at Jaes' white chest area to thighs, of course with his devilish grin.

Ahkk ... “don't ...” Jaes moaned as Cullen started to squeeze and devour her chest.

“Bastard !! Even when I'm sick you can still do this ...” Jaes moaned while gaping, due to the sensation that Cullen had done to her.

“Don’t ... ahkkkk ... hhh ..” Cullen felt and continued to feel her white thighs and reached her groin area.

Cullen dipped his hand into Jaes' panties, he tugged at the center of the pants in the V shape. Jaes stretched, even when she was weak, it was okay for Cullen to have fun playing.

Jaes breathless, how not! Cullen's naughty fingers continued to play on her pussy, and it really made Jaes couldn't help but sigh.


But suddenly ...

“Let's eat together ..” said Remost who had just arrived.

“Jasmeen, let me feed you ..” Remost said as he unwrapped the food he had bought. But Jaes immediately looked at Cullen. He knew Cullen would work on her even more if she accepted the offer from Remost.

“No Mister .. I can do it alone.” Jaes grabbed the food in Remost's hand and immediately devoured it, while Cullen just smiled crookedly as if nothing had happened.

However, if Jaes wakes up from her bed, then the kiss mark marks Cullen just made will be visible.

Ahk ... “I'll eat it slowly, so you guys eat.” Jaes said then pulled the blanket back.

“Jasmeen, this is medicine you have to take. I have to go back because of business, let's go back, Cullen Master ..”

“Okay, let's go home.” Said Cullen while winking at Jaes.

“Thank you Mister Remost and doctor Cullen.”

“Yes Jasmeen, I'll often call you ..”


“Cullen, thank you for the help. Sorry to keep you here.”

“No problem, just often.” Said Cullen with a big smile.

“I'm going home, won't you come home either.” Said Remost while starting his car engine.

“Please, I want to order a taxi.”

“Okay, byee ..” Remost went by driving his luxury car.

Meanwhile, Cullen still remained, and suddenly the look on his face, which had been smiling all this time, turned cold.

“Looks like I have to give a stern warning to my cute girl ..” muttered Cullen with a lopsided smile, and.

Whuss ... he disappeared instantly and was now right outside the window of Jaes' residence.

Ahkk .. “thank goodness they've come home.” Jaes muttered as she tried to wake up from her bed.


“Looks, like my warning some time ago is still lacking ..” said a man from behind the window of her room, and it turned out to be Cullen.

“What else!” Jaes screamed in a slightly hoarse voice, due to her weak body condition.

“I've said several times, you are mine sweet!” Cullen's eyes turned slightly black and reddish.

“What did I do to you, sir? Why are you so cruel!” ahhkk ... Jaes sobbed sadly, she really wanted to get rid of it.

“I've decided, that this whole body belongs only to me, dear .. so no one can touch it, even if it's just a strand of your hair ...” Cullen said while pressing on Jaes' body.

“Really animal! Poor bastard!” Jaes stared and was furious.

“Yes, continue ...” Cullen stretched Jaes' tiny weak body under him.

“Just look, how seductive this tiny body is. I feel like I want to break the part that the most bastard touched earlier ..” said Cullen with his devilish grin.

“Crazy! Beast!” Jaes was very upset and could only cry.

“Never mind, you're sick. I don't want to play with your weak body either, because tomorrow and the next day it will be difficult to replenish my energy, if you are sick ..”

Cullen released his grip on Jaes' hands.

“Why ... why are you so cruel to me .. I never bothered you.” Jaes kept on sobbing, crouching under her thick blanket.

“Why ask so sweet cat.” Cullen lay beside Jaes 'body, while he was playing with Jaes' long hair.

“What is your reason, sir, continues to oppress me like this ...” Jaes said in a voice that was barely audible because he had been crying all along.

“There is no reason ... I'm only interested in small cats like you ...” Cullen sniffed Jaes' back and neck.

Cullen also stroked Jaes' front body, of course, his hands were playing fun with the two glorious mountains belonging to Jaes.

“Stop it, I'm tired, and I'm sick,” Jaes said, she really hoped that Cullen would stop bothering her.

“Okay sweetie, tonight I will let you go. Get well soon, so we can satisfy each other ..” Cullen held Jaes' body tightly until finally, Jaes fell asleep.

Hmmm ... Cullen smiled sincerely at Jaes.

“My very innocent little cat, I know no man has ever touched you ..” Cullen thought, then kissed Jaes forehead gently.
