Someone's after Jessica

Chapter - 66

The weekend was over, and it was Monday, time to get back to work.

Alex spent his Saturday with Rachel while his Sunday was packed with his commitment to playing FIFA on his PlayStation.

Enjoying his weekend, Alex finally understood why his father hated Mondays. Leaving his home, instead of heading to Theation, Alex straightaway reached the site of the project. Amber and Alex had decided to meet there instead of 'Theation'. By the time Alex arrived there, Amber was already there waiting for him. Alex picked her up, and they arrived at the nearby marketplace.

Parking his bike near a convenience store, Alex and Amber finally got to do some work. They hurriedly pulled out a bundle of sheets given to them by Karen. Both of them looked at the bundle in their hand with helplessness. This was so old fashioned, time-consuming and distressing. Karen was clearly trying to make it difficult for them.