You are the first, Alex

Chapter - 80

Closing her book, Margaret looked at the clock on the wall. It was already three in the afternoon, and there was no sign of Martha. She was feeling a little hungry, and it was time for her to stuff herself. And other than herself, she needed to make something for Alex as well.

She sneaked a peek at Alex, who had his eyes closed, but looking at those shivering eyelids, she knew that he was awake. Margaret, for Alex's satisfaction, walked out of the room tip-toed and went downstairs.

Walking in the kitchen, Margaret had a frown on her beautiful face. She had no faith in her cooking. She looked around, hoping to find something and lucky for her, she did find something, a note stuck on the refrigerator.

'Alex, if you feel hungry, I have already prepared the lunch and kept it in the refrigerator. But don't forget to heat it before you have it.'