Alex making way for himself?

Chapter - 84

Alex spent the rest of the evening playing games on his phone or surfing the internet watching videos and stuff. It was around eight in the evening that Martha called for him, asking him to come downstairs for dinner.

Alex didn’t know if his father was back or not, but if he was back, Martha would have told him all about what happened in the afternoon. While Martha was the one who never believed in stretching a matter, George, on the other hand, won’t stop reminding Alex about this afternoon until either of them are in their grave.

Still he can’t just spend his days cooped up in his room, Alex went downstairs hearing Martha’s call. As he climbed down the stairs, he looked around to spot his father, but George was nowhere to be seen.

"Mom, where is dad?" Alex asked as he sat down at the dining table.

"Your father won't be coming home today. He has some important matters to attend to," Martha told him as he served him food.