Karen and Jessica?

Chapter - 88


The door opened, and Karen walked inside worried to death about Jessica. Jessica, on the other hand, dressed in the hospital gown, was busy savouring the taste of fruits in front of her.

A doctor stood by her side looking at the reports in his hands while a nurse was busy fiddling with the machines beside Jessica's bed.

With hurried steps, Karen walked up to Jessica and looked up and down, examining her to find any scratch or bodily harm on her, but to her relief, everything looked fine.

"What happened?" Karen, when was satisfied with the way Jessica looked, looked for answers, "How did you get into an accident?"

"Nothing much... Amanda is the one making a big deal out of it. Calling you here for no reason," Jessica said as coldly as ever.

Karen knew she was not going to get anything from Jessica. She turned her attention towards the doctor.

"Doctor... How is she?" Karen asked.