And another slap!

Chapter - 90

Alex, in a hurry, made his way for the PR department. He was anxious, perplexed and angry by everything that happened downstairs. Alex felt something burning inside of him. So, he had two options in front of him. Either vent it all out or just wait for it to cool down. And he chose the latter. Right now, he just wanted to get to his desk and bury himself away from everyone's prying questions.

But there was another problem up ahead. Alex was expecting the ladies to bombard him with questions from the day they visited him. He knew them, and there was no way they would just let it go. There wasn't an occasion when two or more women group together, and they won't gossip, especially the likes of Ellaine and Hazel.

Alex was sure the first thing Hazel and Ellaine would have done after they arrived at work after that day would be to gather all the ladies and narrate to them the events with a tinge of spice added to the details from their part.