Chapter 1

It was a bright day, the light was all over the forest, making it bright with a glow. The stream was pure, one could easily see his or her reflection, as the water flow. The air was cool and comforting, as the creatures in the forest were relaxed and sane, there was no sense of hostility, and the atmosphere was just vibrant.

Deep within the forest of the Radiant kingdom, a lady in hoody clothing, covered from head to toe, with a bag of treats was petting the animals around, like they were harmless creatures, both the fierce and gentle creatures alike. Most of the animals seemed to be familiar with her, and were friendly towards her, from the gentle creatures to some of the fierce beast in the forest, it was as if they gathered around to welcome or grant her audience.

She played with them, pet them and fed them, one after the other with her treats, each leaving to their respective spot or sitting ground close to her, after she had fed them. At one of the exit of the forest marking the boundary between the Wave kingdom and the Radiant kingdom, a male wanderer, average height, black hair and light brown skin, with a back bag, and a simple style of dressing was passing through. Allured by the harmony in everything within the forest.

From the flow of water to the breeze, which was just suiting to the skin, as that of the shaking sounds of the leaves on the trees, and the grasses around. With that of the sounds of the animals he heard, but didn't encounter any, which he thought might be a bit hostile or fierce.

He wandered around, seeking answers as to why, and how the forest had such energy to it, since he had never sensed anything like this, even amongst humans or the kingdoms, he had been too or was coming from. He found it a bit hard to believe the sensation he was feeling, it was like a dream or he was in heaven.

As he walked further into the forest, the sensation was heighten, and was harder for him to ignore, but easier to accept. With each step enhancing the purity, harmony and satisfaction he felt. He kept wandering into the forest hoping to find the cause of this heavenly Radiant, and the satisfaction he felt, with hope of an exit to the Radiant kingdom. But along the line of him wandering off, he became lost and later thirsty, then exhausted by the stroll and detours he took.

He looked around for a stream, to quench his thirst, and fill his empty water sack. He climbed one of the trees around for a better view of the area, to aid his search, fortunately, he found one not too far from his location. He jumped down, in relief, rushing to the stream, without paying much attention to his environment.

Upon reaching his destination, he squatted to drink from the stream, but just before he could take a sip, he noticed the gathering of some groups of animals on the other side of the stream, few length to it. He thought it was weird he didn't encounter any animals, as he was wandering around the forest, thinking this was probably the reason, while wondering why animals would gather as such. Playing ignorant, he told himself it was probably the birth of a wildcat cub or something special, since he doubt they were having a meeting or a get together.

He looked closely from his position but sensed no hostility or blood-lust from them, due to that he chose to ignore it, since there was no negative vibe emitted from the gathering, it was more of warmth, due to such, he thought it wise to not intrude. Losing interest in the abnormality of their gathering, he believed the forest energy might had similar effect on both animals and humans, it made him overwhelm by the comfort the forest was emitting and more curious of the cause.

When he was done filling his water sack and was done drinking from the stream, he stood up ready to leave and continue his search for an exit to the Radiant kingdom, while hoping to find the cause of the sensation he felt, when he heard a gentle and suiting chuckle.

The chuckle echoed a pleasant tone to his ears, different from the ones heard from the trees and animals around, which made it hard to believe it was real. He thought he was just hearing things, probably hallucinating. Being away from ladies, and not encountering one for a while, had started making him hear things, due to that, he ignored what he heard, as he was about to continue his search for an exit to the other kingdom, when he heard it again.

"Men! I must be losing it, I guess the forest doesn't just emit comfort… or maybe this is the side effect of wandering across kingdoms and not hanging around long enough to keep company"

"If I make it out of here… I must talk to a lady, and maybe with some luck, I might not end up losing it" he whispered in disappointment to his circumstance, thinking he was hearing things, while hoping running into a lady might save him from insanity.

"Malfred! C'mon stop… Hah hah…Be a good boy… Hah hah… have given out all the treat I have…" the hoody lady said, chuckling as her hand was being licked by the kitten of the wildcat.

Upon hearing that, he realized it was not in his head, since his imagination didn't consist of a lady petting him like an animal. At that moment he was sure it was from around the forest, which made him turned to confirm if someone was close by, or maybe the forest was just putting weird thoughts in his head.

He looked around from where he stood, trying to sense, if there was another around, other than him, but couldn't pick any human trace of energy. All he could sense was the radiant energy of the forest, which he couldn't trace to the source, as the energy seemed to be scattered around all things within the forest, and the distinct energy of the animals, mixed with that of the forest energy, which made him aware that they were no ordinary creatures. With that in mind, he made it a point not to make contact, unless necessary, while concealing his present.

However, amongst those distinct energy of all the creatures in the forest, he could sense one energy, which felt somewhat different, a bit familiar, but was unable to recall anyone, or thing that would possess such energy, that he knew off. Sensing the energy location to be from the gathered animals at the other side of the stream he just left. He walked back to the stream, to satisfy his curiosity. Thinking the sight of the energy would jog his memory, while shifting his priority from finding the source of the voice he heard, to checking the familiar energy.

He didn't see much of the desired energy, as the animals and the forest radiant energy was all over the place.

"Now, that's a sight for sore eyes… Am almost in tears, just by the view of it… I can't help but wonder how yours, would look like" he thought, as he admired the view before him, while curious of what the familiar energy he sensed would look like, as he walked a bit closer crossing the stream, without making a sound as his present was still conceal from all, while taking cover behind a tree few meters to the gathered animals.

Up close, he realized, the animals were not just gathering. Some were resting and others were being pet, as he gain sight of the familiar energy he sensed to be from someone in hoody clothing, he couldn't see the person's face, but he knew it was a lady, due to the hands he saw petting the animals. And, as hoped her energy seemed even more radiant, than the others.

At that moment, he knew it was her voice he heard, and the gathering of the animals and them wrapping themselves around her, seemed to make sense, since like the forest and creatures, her energy was alluring and had a warmth to it, but unlike them it was simply innocent and pure with no stain of any kind. Due to that he believed it was only natural for creatures with good eyes and senses to find her alluring, especially mystical creatures.

He found her present most enchanting, while disturbed by the fact of him seeing nothing other than her hood, and shadow covered face, as he peeked from his location behind the tree not too far from them. He wanted to move closer, with hope of a better view of her face, to aid quench the storm of familiarity that was building in him, but since she was surrounded by animals; gentle and beast type animal alike.

He believed getting closer might cause unwanted issues with the animals, if spotted, since concealing his present only blocks the awareness and senses of his present to all others, but doesn't conceal his physical form, which in most cases, won't be much of an issue, if she saw him.

The worst case scenario, would be she having a bad impression of him. But due to the company she surround herself with. A negative reaction from her if she gain sight of him could prove detrimental, since it might cause the animals to become hostile, therefore causing trouble and spoiling the harmony of things. Due to that, he chose to keep watch from above, using the trees as his guard post and cover, as he listen to her gentle and sincere voice, while stealing glances of her, as she hum, placing little concern, to why her energy seemed so familiar, as that of the oddity of it, as he let himself get lost in her heavenly tones.

Momentarily, when the heat and brightness of the afternoon was starting to lessen, as it was getting dark. She noticed the change in the weather, realizing she has to leave soon. She walked towards the stream, while most of the animals had left to their spot, which marked their territory and home, the lady was now alone. Knowing she doesn't have much time before dark, she went to the stream and he followed, she washed her hands removing the dirt from them, then her legs, dusting her clothes and cape.

She stood, feeling the breeze as it blew, while a slightly heavy breeze almost blew the hood off her head. The wanderer felt a brief moment of excitement, as he thought the breeze had come to his aid, but was disappointed, after witnessing how quickly she was able to react. She held the edge of the top hood in real-time, preventing the hood from coming off.

In disappointment to how good her reflex were , he jumped to the other tree branch, hoping to at least gain a better view than the one he has now; the back view. But when he jumped to grab hold of the branch, it broke, he fell to the ground, just a few length behind her, hitting his buttocks then hitting the back of his head on the tree.

"Ahh! Men, it hurts" he said, as he fell, while on the ground rubbing his head with one hand, and the other was use to rub his buttocks, like the fall had no pain to register on his body.

She heard the sound of the broken branch, then turned back to look what was happening, when she saw him falling down. Frighten by what she saw, she became a bit hesitant to react, but she felt concern for some reason, worried if he was alright. As she was about to take a step forward to help, and check on his wellbeing, she noticed how relaxed he was, like the fall had no pain registered.

Upon seeing how well he reacted, like it wasn't much of a fall, she pause herself, took a few steps back, as she made a sharp turn rushing away from him, while drawing the top edge of the hood to cover her face more.

Although, for a few seconds, she was able to see his face, and was drawn to him, but his reaction to the fall was way too relax for any ordinary person, which made her antsy, and his dressing was a bit odd for a citizen of the radiant kingdom, but there was no time to ponder on thoughts, since it was time for her to leave and head back if she doesn't want trouble. She ignored all else, crossing the stream with haste as she dash.