Chapter 6

After closing a bit of the gap between them, the knight felt the urge to rush in and grab her hand in excitement, as his eye sparkle with relief. But was unable to muster the courage too, as his memory of the fellow he saw with the lady fade bit by bit, without him being aware of it, while the lady stood distracted by his present, as she finally could place a face to the voice.

"My lady… It's really you... Thank God you are well… We've feared the worst"

"Oh… Sir, Kola… It's you… Am sorry I made you worry, but there really is no need for the drama… I only left for few hours… And besides I left a note of my whereabouts… You shouldn't trouble yourself so"

"What? A note? We were not told of anything of such"

"We? What do you mean by that? Did something happened in the pa...?"

"Apologies, my lady but here is not the place for such... I'll explain everything, but on the way back... Please, follow me" the knight said, cutting her at midsentence, while indicating this was not the right place to continue their talk, as he motioned to her to follow him, after he had expressed his concern, while she was unaware of the wanderer's absence.

"Okay… Just give me a minute to…" She said looking beside her, but was unable to gain sight of him. She paused at midsentence, puzzled by his absent. Thinking of why he left, as a surge of disappointment plagued her.

She tried keeping her composure, knowing acting out would be pointless, and there was still the issue of what Sir Kola wants to report. Considering that she concluded acting out and being sad to be something she can't afford, but her face didn't support her resolve.

"I am sorry, I can't continue the escort beside you, but I'll be watching from afar just in case your knight in skinny uniform mess up… At least till you get home safely…"

"Consider it to be… me keeping my word… so, just smile and go with him, a gloomy face doesn't suit a Radiant like you" the wanderer whispered, after sensing the distortion of her energy, due to the changes in her emotion, or rather state of mind, as he stood amongst the crowd not too far from her. Using a secret art called 'fade whisper' which grant one a private channel to talk to someone, they've toned to his or her energy frequency. Logging both energy to a channel of free communication that only they could hear, it was a common art amongst assassins used to relay, or share information amongst themselves.

Upon hearing that she recognized the voice, and knew it was the wanderer, but was confused as to how she was able to hear his voice. Thinking he was close by, she looked again, but gain no sight of him. She felt anxious to find him, and had mixed feelings, as regards to his words.

"You sure know how to put a lady on edge… You meanie… You better keep your word and make sure we meet again… Meanie" she whispered whelmed, as her eyes was getting watery, while she tried keeping her composure the best she could, unaware that he could hear her.

"I can hear your dirty whisper... Lady Pervert"

"However, you shouldn't worry about that, with a smile like yours I'll be a fool not to seek an audience with you again… So, don't worry this isn't goodbye, but you should be on your way now, it's getting late… I won't tease you about your prince charming, if you start walking now" the wanderer replied stating his desire for another meet, while hoping his words would help ease her up a bit more.

She felt whelmed. Excited for reasons she herself was not aware of, unable to comprehend why his words had so much impact on her, as she realized that she has little to no knowledge about him. But yet she felt little to no concern about it, instead she was worried, if he felt the same, as her face changed from anxious, excited to curious, then later back to excited again, while recalling his words of what he thought of her smile.

The knight stood, not knowing what was happening, while confused as to her action, especially, why she stopped at midsentence, and why she was whispering afterward, as that of why her expression was going back and forth. He felt uneasy not sure of what to do, but knew standing around in silent won't solve anything.

"My lady... Are you okay? You seem distracted, is there something wrong?"

"Oh! Apologies, sir Kola, I was just huh... Hearing happy whisper... It's nothing to worry about..." She replied, with a radiant smile, putting the knight worries to rest.

He felt relief she was okay, but confused by her choice of words, and her expression was a bit too jovial to him, which got under his skin. Thinking her current act was rather strange, she became an alien to him. He pondered, if she cared about the consequences of her actions to the kingdom and the people, as the look on her face was starting to get to him, while unable to recall that she was not alone when he gained sight of her in the market square, as he conceal his actual expression, awaiting her word to start their walk.

"Let's go... It's getting late... You can report the issues as we go, sir Kola"

"As you wish, my lady" he replied, ignoring his thoughts, facing the issue at hand, while he followed her lead, as they exit the market square.

The wanderer tailed them as they left, walking amongst the crowd behind them, before using the rooftops of the buildings around, when they got to the street way of the noble's residents, due to the scarcity of people outside their mansions and guards all around. The street was heavily guarded, but since his present was still hidden there was little to no chance, of being spotted, while using his senses to ascertain the situation of things, since he could tell emotions, amongst other things about one, just by sensing their energy.

He kept watch of her, as they move. Avoiding the guards gaze or sight range from the rooftops, while a bit bored by how easy avoiding the guards was, but relief things was going smoothly. While the lady on the other hand, was being informed, of the issue at hand by the knight as they walked. Stating it to be that her brother thought she was missing, due to her absent all through the day, especially after checking her room, and there was no trace of her.

The issue was reported to the general to investigate, but he concluded that she was abducted. The general then, relayed the issue to selected personnel, while giving an order to search the kingdom, leaving no stone unturned to find her. Arresting all and any that might be a suspect in her abduction, while keeping everything off the books from the public and all others.

He then narrated that few travelers had been arrested, as regards to the issue and might be pinned for the crime, if care was not taken. Adding that the kingdom was in a bit of turmoil, as home were being searched at various parts of the kingdom, and most were arrested for ridiculous reasons, like walking funny, having weird handwriting amongst other tedious reasons.

"The lucky ones are being questioned, and others are being tortured... The people might start to react, if it goes on any further… That was why I kept searching for you around your various stops, before I was lucky enough to have found you"

"It's just ridiculous…Why would they go through that much trouble? I'll admit I spend more than the anticipated time, but I left a note on my bed, stating my whereabouts in order to prevent any commotion, besides it's not like this is the first time of me heading out for a while, and coming late... this is just an abuse of power" she said in frustration, realizing that she might had place the wanderer in danger, had he stay with her, while acknowledging him leaving her side was for the best, as she felt guilty of the troubles the people were facing.

"Indeed, I do agree... However there has been recent attempts to abduct you, more than once this month alone, which the abductors are still unknown… On that note, it's only natural for one to be worried… Besides criminal activities has been a bit on the rising, for a while now…"

"My guess is maybe the general wanted to seize the opportunity to do a bit of investigation... Not that I agree with his methods though, but I can't go against it, so long as it's for the good of the kingdom"

"What are you saying? Isn't the duty of the knights to keep the people safe and secure? If there is increase in the criminal activities then you all have to do a better job…"

"Abusing your rights, as that of assaulting the citizens will only make things worse... And pulling a stunt like this will only place the kingdom in panic... Arresting people or persons' just because of what they might be, is just playing lazy, reckless and unjust... I disagree with his method of approach... It's barbaric" she said speaking her mind while, trying not to be disrespectful, as they walked towards the palace.

"Indeed, you're right, my lady, the people should come first… Apologies for thinking otherwise"

"Either way, when it's all said and done... It's my fault for being late anyway, if I had known my brother would do something like this, because I was running late then I would have tried making it home a bit sooner... I just hope I can still fix this before it's too late" she said, believing it was all her fault, people were experiencing the cold dish of pain, and injustice.

After hearing her outburst, for a brief moment he recalled, she was not alone when he gained sight of her, in the market square. Thinking that the person probably had something to do with her lateness, he then recalled, he didn't see him leave her side while heading towards them, nor did he see him with her when he got to her side. He pondered on why that was, while certain he didn't imagine it nor was the weather getting to him.

"Am certain she was with someone at the square, but why is my memory of the event so foggy? Something is not right…"

"But it's not like I can just ask her about it… that would be crossing the line, right?" he pondered, uncertain of, if what he saw was of his imagination, or otherwise, but knowing to confirm might be out of the question.

"Sir, Kola are you okay? You seemed troubled… I hope it's not because of what I said… I admit I did overreact, and am sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way"

"Huh? it's nothing… honestly, just got a bit distracted, that's all… you don't need to worry about it" he responded with a smile, concluding his thoughts, after he heard the lady's question, upon her noticing his silence as they walked, almost to the palace of the kingdom, while his face looked a bit disturbed, thinking her words might had cut in too deep.

She didn't buy his words, but she believed insisting would only be her adding salt to the wound, so, she played along, taking his word for what it's worth. As they entered the gate of the palace of the kingdom. One of the guards ran into the palace to announce her arrival, notifying the king of the news of her return.

"The palace, huh? It seems you're quite a mystery… my lady pervert" he thought wondering if the palace was her home after seeing where she had stopped.

"So, are you a Chief from the king's counsel? But you're a bit too reckless and childish for such … maybe the Queen? Or what do you think Olamide?"

"Judging by the get-up and the escort, it's safe to say she's the second princess of the kingdom" a male who looks a bit younger reported, concluding his guess, as he gave him the answer to his question, while he approach the wanderer from behind after hearing his question.

The wanderer was amused by his response, as his words filled in some of the missing parts of the puzzle, knowing now he has more to work with.

"Now, that explains the cause of some of the recent event" the wanderer thought, understanding why some people would be out to get her, since she can provide quite a profitable margin but was not convinced that was the actual goal of the group they avoided.

"Dare I ask why the young master is here stalking the second princess of the kingdom?"

"Am not stalking her, Olamide… Just giving an escort, of some sort"

"Huh? How does that work from this distance…? You know what don't answer… I don't want to know… The less I know the better, you're the young master after all" the fellow said in response to the wanderer's reply.