There was once a girl

And that girl met a wolf

They found living as a pair

Was a life full of hope

These two happy lovebirds

This couple, this pair

Were snug in their warm bed

But they thought it was quite bare

So they cuddled up closer

Made room in their tree

And their joy overflowed

When two became three

-Adapted from Ally Pally Poems

“Luna, you shouldn’t be worried about Master Milos, he will be fine,” Petra reassures Wanda. The former had woken up a few hours ago only to discover that Milos and a few pack warriors have gone out of the Territory to lay in wait for some Rogue wolves who are trying to invade the territory. Milos got to know about this from the pack guards at the East Coast of the Territory, and he had risen at dawn to lay ambush and capture them as subtly as possible.