Carla goes rushing towards the right table and finds her dad there, she looks at him, better than before in good health and glowing,
Carla hugs her dad with the utmost affection, and pure care her face glowing with relief as she could finally see her dad,
Christopher hugs her gently just like a baby holding her in his arms just like the first time as they both know this time is going to end soon,
with fear and anger, Christopher looks at sawyer and holds his daughter even tight.
sawyer smirks at his reaction,
Christopher looks at him and mouths him,
"My daughter is intelligent she won't fall for your tricks."
sawyer smiles at his words.
"Carla I think we should meet the US delegates." said sawyer pointing towards the dancer's arena.
Sure sir."
"you may go, I would like to talk to your dad."
"Sure sir, dad I'll catch up with you later."
Christopher smiles at her and sees her go he then takes a seat and looks at sawyer.