They have landed


* where Mr. Perfect? Asked. Adam, " he flying down later. He is in Maine visit his parents, lets go we got day plan, said. Kari, " funny how you know who he talking about, they walked in the airport. Got in line, " put your badges on this is our first trip that I am sponsor, once we get landed you can spread get your minerals and learn more messages styles, we meet up for dinner to go over, lucky I can get us new weight set for our weight room. Your rooms is all paid for, any questions or concerns? Asked. Kari, I do that means food is to? Playing back to the story, they show their passport in got on the plane, Back in Maine Viktor pulled up at his parents houses, he got out of the car. And walked up and knocked on the door. Ted opened up the door, " just in time for breakfast. Said, Ted. " smells good can wait, said. Viktor. " how is your queen? Asked. Ted, he walked in the house, he closed, " good on her way to Spain, mom you got the house smelling good. They sat down at the table, " Spain?* new thing she trying, to learn new message styles and how to make oils and stuff. Said. Viktor, " you better ask her to marry you. " I did twice but third time will Locked in the spot, they start to eat, will they say the third time is the winner, back to the story, " tell us about het why you didn't bring her with you? Asked. Ted, " she was at work dad, plus she was getting ready to fly out, she owns a fit center on south central, she a full time instructor, coach and train. Said, Viktor, " wow all in one the total package. Said, Beth. " thanks to doctor Lung she is our train and my future wife, said. Viktor, he wipe his mouth, back in Detroit, Cliff Rachel, James and Debbie are at their grandparents house, " they got the same blue eyes," nope Kari and Parker is not twins, saId. cliff, " can't wait to meet her I bet she opposite then Parker, " she different when the girl dreams she go for, she went to Fiji to learn how to heal and work the body, in fit, she went to Thailand to learn how to do nassages, and to Tokyo to learn how to run, and train a staff, said. James, " she hires staff from other countries, to you are going to love, said. Cliff," Parker is mommy and daddy boys they told him to run the family busy he did it, he has no dreams, ambition, like the three of us, we dream big, he doesn't know what a dream is, said. James, " I wouldn't put up if I wasn't married to him, I guess that why he doesn't have a back bone? asked. Debbie, " he been under Kari shadow for his whole life, when she decided to leave he bowler and cried for to stay, because he don't know how to stand like a man, she should be landing in Spain soon," yes Cliff she said she was going to start doing fly outs like us, they slap hands, " you two talk to her? Asked. Rachel, " yes last week, she called us on three way. " girls the three is very close, they grow up together, all three dream of owning their own business, trail to learn how to do that, start their own business at the same time, one in lumber, one in energy, and one in fitness, said. Steve, " we want to be close to her to, said. Rachel, " you girls will, said. Sue, that is a fact Kari likes everyone, with an heart of gold, you have a heart like that you be better off, back to the story. Their plane finally land in spain, they got off the plane walked out the turmoil, seven cars pulled up, " we check in to our hotel get unpack, then we set up. Into spain, call your families let them know you arrive safety, see you at the restaurant I reserve for us, said. Kari, " you paid for everything? Is this going to bankrupt us? Asked. Alyssa, " I check with my banker, he said we made enough to do this, long I stay in the green not go over, I am clear, so no we are not going bankurpt, your boss plays everything ahead and check, pick your cars lets get to the hotel, said. Kari. " K you are the coolest boss ever, said. Lex, they got in the car and left the airport, when you have a cool boss let them know how cool they are, they are very rare. Back to the story, they got in their cars and head down to the hotel, back in Maine at his parents house, they done done eating he went out side to get some air and call his Feinysa, "( morning how did you sleep?) Asked. Kari,,"( lazy I keep thinking about you, ) said. Viktor,"( aw poor baby, we have landed heading down to the hotel, got a room for us.) Said. Kari,"( I get me a room tonight, )-(" huh not all prices is the same Viktor, a room for week is $230,) she told him. "( okay I take the floor,) said Viktor, "( I do not bit, snore, so why is it so hard to just to share an bed with me? Said. Kari,"( temptation, I just want to dstop o this right, I want you as my wife, not a notch on my belt, I want to grow old with you, I want to have a family with you. )-( " okay the floor, stop making me feel like the virgin mary,)-( nope you are going remain that way until we are married, see you in a few hours, ) said. Viktor, "( you do not know if I am or not, okay sec you at the airport. )-(" I do I know you haven't with anyone either I have the gold swan, ) said. Viktor, "( true I haven't been to busy to find someone, so how I know you haven't?)-(" I would look like an dog, I am a pure breed that find his mate,) said Viktor,