Five weeks to go

day with family

It is an Friday morning and around 6:30 am in the morning, and five weeks away from the big day, today Hunter got a match, with making everything set and the food is ready and setting right. Hope the weather is going to wait, back to the story. Kari is up and at the studio, setting up checks paying bills and checking the weather, Adam, Jane, Lex, Alyssa, Laura and Anna walked in, and locked the door, and walked in the office. " K last night was a mess are you sure about this? Asked. Lex, " I know he call me and told, so we don't worry about them at the wedding. But this is not the last we see of them, so call the security guards Lee and Tom, I know he rip between me and his cousins so this whole I going to ask my cousins to be around him, get to keep away from them, " I more worry about you then him, are you going to be okay, asked. Adam, " that is the question so we are going to do hospitals runs early, then walk ins, the requests and Jr, we got busy days set up make everything set them do our runs, we be so closing early to try the robes on to make sure they fit, we got five weeks to go, plus I be at home, said. Kari, ' okay call us once you get there, said. Adam, " I'll lets get going. Said, Kari they walked out to get the floor , at the arena the GM call an meeting an event is coming, up* The All Amerca Bash* they are in the stadium, lot of divas has boyfriends and husbands, and a lot of wrestlers has an lot of girlfriends and wives, "( first to keep the peace at home and here your sprouts are allow to walked you down the ramp. You keep the home happy you keep the job happy, if you are single team up with someone that walk you down, is rule one clear? Asked. The GM, they shake their hands yes, " second thing congratulations to Reno for getting in catch and Hunter to can wait to meet your wife and wife to be,, and last we got week away for the * All America Bash* so we going to be live and pack,

Match 1# an single Willie vs Taylor,

Match 2# tag team Toby and Jesse vs the Antonio brothers

Match 3# a diva match rose vs Genome

Match 4# an money in the sack match Jones vs Crispin

The last but not least match 5# tag team title cage Dread and spine vs, Hunter and Reno, that is in a week for today and tonight,

Match 1# a triple threat Dread, Wille, and Jay,

Match 2# a diva match Susan and Miracle

Match 3# single match Hunter vs Spine

And match 4# diva Rose vs Jade. So get your husband's and wives lets get ready to wrestle. They went to get ready, Viktor called her. "( we can give our sons both futures they can run the studio when they are not they wrestling, but we need you to walk us down the ramp I feel so much better if you are on my arm, walking me down. ) Said, Viktor. " ( you know I going to, there is no if ands buts about it. ) Said, Kari. "( yes ma'am thank you five weeks away from the big day, ) said. Viktor, "( yeah baby,)-(" yes,) Answered. Viktor. " ( stop seeing me pregnant, ) said. Kari, her family walked in the door, not bad huh? She did amazing job. Back to the story, " welcome to Christmas fit studio. Said, Jane. * oh wow she really made this place bang, is Kari here? Asked. Sue, " the boss women is always here, she page her, ( K your family is here, five weeks to go how you two holding up?) Said. Jane, Viktor pull up at the hotel, " there was kaos with Pete and Richie first they disrespect our relationship by saying they will screw her for me and call her out her name, I kick them out of the wedding told them to go home. Said, Viktor. "( you know that you are going to have my sons,) I have two ring side to WWC, we all will go out to dinner then to the stadium. First lets get breakfast and head to the studio, I show you her business, she walked out of the gates and up to them. " ( you calling it before it happened, see you tonight. ) she got off the phone with him, " welcome I show you around then we go out to eat, I show you around, then we meet up with Viktor and his parents for dinner, then we are going to WWC to watch wrestling, and Cliff and James I need an big favorite from you, actually two, said. Kari , they got in his truck and left, time for some fun in the city. Back to the story, she show them around the studio, " last his cousins crossed the line , I knew it was going to happen, so they are gone out the wedding, he needs two more man of honor, and with Adam and Lex I need you just chill with him, make sure he has an clear head, do not put them in his head, we are five weeks away from the wedding, hang at his place watch tv eat, drink water, talk about the fitting go get fit, he does gamble drink beer or smoke, be his man of honor, he is going to ask, guys meet me at the store for fitting in a bit, " we got him but what about you K, they not just going to leave, they want you, asked. Cliff, " I be leaving here and heading home after we closed, just in case I have two my guys coming watch the studio. But I closing early, " we go with you Kari if it okay. Said, Rachel, they pulled up at an restaurant. Time with family is important, back to the story. After she show them around she took them out, " how you holding on? Asked. Sue, " good so far, just can't wait to start my life with him , I also since something going to happen, I not really for or want to happen, said.kari,