Yoshiki was... stunned by the horror standing behind his door.
There was a gun pointed at him by a giant stuffed bear.
He couldn't think, just how could a stuffed bear hold a gun to someone's head. In what world does that happen!?
"Daisuke, have I gone crazy, I thought this was a simple modern world?"
["No host, you're as sane as you were before, and it is a simple modern world."]
"Then is there a stuffed bear with a gun at my door?"
["Yes host, that seems to be the case, my sincere apologies. I should have been more alert."]
"You really should have."
"Can you put up a soundproofing wall around my apartment?"
["Yes, host"]
"Please do so."
Nothing happened for a while before a simmering blue wall appeared behind the assassin and covering inside the apartment.
"Thanks, Daisuke."
["Of course, host."]