Mondays are usually very stressful for me but today looked like it was going to be worse Mrs Carmichael was a new client I'm supposed to be working on. The law firm has seen alot of cases but this one seems to be breaking records every passing day
"Hey Jordan you gotten the case file for the mad woman's case?" Lora asked me passing a document at me....we can't judge her she must have reasons for it.
"Yes you're bound to say that you're her lawyer after all" Lora kept chattering about something incessantly and I couldn't care less this woman's case didn't seem complete it kept appearing like a more you look the less you see case and I couldn't believe I'm left to fight this battle alone for her...nobody was willing to believe her when she came running to the law firm for help and now her kids have been murdered and everyone thinks she's the bad guy my colleagues could be a piece of shit sometimes.
"......And after all that we will have a board meeting where you will tell us if you have any leads on the case ok?"
"Yeah sure...." I replied waving my hand.