Chapter Ten


I’m nervous. This is happening. I don’t know how it began happening but it’s happening. Though she could still back out.

I’ve never wanted to take a photograph more in my entire life.

This is groundbreaking for me. This feeling, it’s taking me back to my younger years when photography was all I could think about.

I check the tripods are functional for the fifth time and turn on my digital camera. I have one antique camera that I use and one very expensive digital camera. I like the way they both capture images. The digital is clear and crisp whereas the antique puts a natural sepia over everything.

There’s not a software in the world that can perfectly mimic an old camera like mine. It would have been state of the art once upon a time and is likely worth a fair bit these days.

There’s a gentle knock on the door. I move to it, my camera hanging around my neck.