Unexpected Love

"Her singing voice is a music to my ears. Do your investigation yo her Vinz."

"But Linsky, what got into you? don't you tell me you'd like the girl for a display on Saturday?"

"Just do it. We don't have enough time to escapade."

On the garden at back of school

Lina is alone. It seems like someone is watching her from behind. She grabbed her bag and started looking around but none was there until one of the campus king appeared in front of her.

"Hi!" a handsome guy greeted her.

"Hellow, yes? wha.. what can I do for you sir? in disbelief she asked.

"I've noticed a beautiful girl while passing by it happened I dare to come near to know why she's alone."

*Meeara blushed*

"Anyway I guess I haven't yet introduce myself. Well lady, I am Vincent Zu. You can call me Vinz."

"Probably you are mistaken me with someone else sir. Why would you waste your time, I am no special girl."

"Silly question. Don't over think lady, I noticed you cuz you seem familiar. Did you win in qualifying round in yesterday's competitor?

"Oh! I'm sorry. My apology for asking improper question. Yes I'm Meeara"

"Is it okay if I remain seated here for a minutes. Please don't be bothered" Vinz smiled so wholeheartedly.

Unexpectedly on that afternoon they were talking and laughing like they've known each other for quite sometimes. Meeara felt she was less insecure talking with Vinz considering he is a campus King. He has a great sense of humor. They have same interest in music and books. Even treated her snacks why on earth she didn't refuse. This was actually the third (3rd) time exposing herself from male stranger. She felt happy.

On that afternoon.

"So Vinz, what news you have? is there any interesting fact about that girl?

"Linsky, her plain looks there is something wrong" said Vinz.

"It seems like behind those clothes hidden an enchanting beauty. I don't know, only my instincts. Surprisingly also, I enjoyed her company because she is Intellectually good too. She shared her clear points of view on different topics. I could tell that we have something in common."

"That's nice to hear" Linsky replied.

"The thing is, she's not from a prominent family. I might say now, Uncle Fed would definitely dislike her."

"Vinz I guess, I should try to figure out for myself in case you're not really exaggerating.

Hahaha, then she's the one. The lucky girl for my display on Saturday." Linsky shown lack of emotion.

"Linsky your standard is very intricate to satisfy. Let me have this girl Linsky. For fun" Vinz jested.

*Linsky nodded his head*

Agreeing to the set up.

"Why am i acting weird, damn!"

He grabbed his phone.

"Lina come to my place tonight, If you have time."

"Hellow, babe.. I'll be there, of course of course.. nothing is more special than my boyfriend. I will cancell all of my appointments for today. I love you babe. I love you and i missed you" from the line.

"Okay see you then"

Linsky turned off his phone and took his car when she saw a particular girl outside the campus.

He stopped the sports car three (3) meters away from the girl's location.

Maybe she's waiting for someone. The girl who is she talking too? No one besides her. What the hell, haha interesting.

*His thought*

Then he drove away his car.

At the bar

"I think I like her Dan"

"Vinz, no your not, haha."

"Bro, I'm serious!"

"It's too early for you to tell. She is too ordinary in terms of profile, too ordinary Vinz."

"She is totally different, a very unique girl. I must admit she created a strong impact in here" pointed his heart.

"I did not expect it coming, to feel this neither. I could hardly believe it. She is lovely."

"Haha.. Too bad for you Vinz, too bad" said Dan.