Chapter 9 - Don't you dare

Adelina's pov:

Two months have passed after the initiation ceremony and I am trying to adjust to my new life. Working in the hospital gave me the opportunity to meet new people and make some friends like Marisa the Hospital's Manager secretary. Marisa is 22 years old and we have a lot in common. Apart from the fact that we have the same age, she is totally alone like me here, as she lost her parents in a rogue attack five years ago. Since then is under the protection of Maximus as she told me. I would never imagine that Maximus could care about someone else beside himself or Jina. Furthermore she has the same hobbies like me such as swimming, reading books, working out and shopping. Very quickly we became good friends and we spend most of our days together.

As for Maximus, during those months I rarely see him and that is something I do on purpose. After a lot of thinking I've concluded that Maximus is a summer night dream for me. If I continue hoping about a future with him, I will lead myself in an emotional breakdown. In order to avoid that, I follow a very demanding program everyday. I begin my day at 7 in the morning, get dressed and go down to the pack's restaurant to have some breakfast. I take my breakfast early to avoid meeting him or the red headed or both of them. Then I go to work where I stay until 5 in the afternoon. Afterwards, me and Marisa are working out in the pack's gym and somedays when we are bored to do anything else, we go for a coffee. Sometimes Alex accompanies us. He proved to be a very good friend. He is helpful and caring and always there for me. But we can't be anything more than friends cause he is a ladies man after all. He can't commit to a steady relationship, not until he finds his mate at least. Not that I look forward for something more between us. In my current position, I think that trying a new relationship would end up to a real disaster. I have to get over Maximus first and go beyond our bond in order to improve my personal life.

Today is the sixth day in a row that I stayed until late at the office. And that's not only because I avoid Maximus but due to the arrival of the new Manager who had arrived a week ago as well. He is a very ambitious man and very perfectionist. He wants to close all the pending issues as soon as possible in order to establish his new method of administration. He is about 30 years old. Tall, handsome with a well built body, (as all werewolves are), with blond hair and beautiful forest green eyes. In few words, he is like a Greek God. But apart of looks he is a very clever man, capable, professional, formal and very kind. So I tried my best to help him and to inform him about all the issues concerning the hospital because I really want to establish a sincere and productive professional relationship with him.

And because of my lateness now I am hurrying to my room to have a quick shower and get dressed as today is Wednesday and I am going to have dinner with Alex. We have arranged one day every week usually on Tuesday or Wednesday to have dinner together and catch up with our lives. At first, it was a little bit awkward but as time passes we really enjoy ourselves and looking forward for it. This time I can't wait for this dinner to come. Even though I am so tired and stressed from the work, drinking some wine and talking with Alex is all I need to relax.

I rushed in my room and when I opened the door the lights turned on and Maximus was waiting for me. He was sitting in my bed smoking with his feet crossed. I do not like smoking in my bedroom. It is so rude doing that especially if it is someone's else room!

- "Where were you?" he asked coldly.

- "Good evening to you too Alpha".

-" Why don't you come on time lately?"

-" I wasn't aware that there was a specific time to return" I retorted.

- "I asked you a question and I demand an answer, don't play dumb with me" he told me sternly.

- "Alpha don't you have anything more important to do tonight? Don't tell me that you haven't arranged anything romantic with your girlfriend"... I said ironically.

-"My personal life is not of your business".

-"Neither is mine to you. So I would appreciate If you left my room right away. I have to change and I am already late".

- "Do not push it" he told me with menacing eyes.

- "It is I that am doing that? Really? What's your problem? You kicked me out of your life, in fact you never let me in. You revealed to me that we are mates only to brought me here and tell me to forget about it. And after months of receiving cold shoulder from you now you come here and demand answers. Answers for what? Why on earth I am obligated to inform you about what I do or where I go or who I meet? Why?" I yelled at him.

All the feelings of anger, rage, sadness that I kept so long deep inside me began to coming out. He didn't say anything so I kept on.

-"You want me out of your life don't you? So why do you keep me here? You were very clear when you told me that you want nothing to do with me. So why don't you stick to your own decision. It's your own damn decision after all!!"I yelled at him again.

This time I couldn't control myself. My anger was intensifying. All the thoughts that I was holding back so long, wanted to come out, to be heard. Maximus got up and approached me. Although the atmosphere was very tense he remained calm. He looked composed like nothing happened minutes ago and he didn't say anything. He just kept quiet. And this behavior of his made me nuts. The thing that drives me crazy when I argue with someone is when the interlocutor is apathetic like Maximus is doing right now.

-"You don't have anything to say to me?" I asked in frustration.

- "I am waiting for your answer. You haven't answered me yet and my patience is running out" he told me sternly.

-"Oh you want an answer huh? You'll got one. One that I should have given you from the start. And then I did what I never thought I was capable of doing. I started pronouncing slow and steady the rejection phrase.

"I Adelina Mac Arthur daughter of Richard Mac Arthur Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack I reject you Maximus.....

In a blink of an eye he came in front of me, grabbed me tightly from the waist, put his finger on my mouth and told me in a low but very menacing voice "Don't you dare". His face was inches away from mine, his eyes turned black and his body was trembling trying to control his rage. I haven't seen him like this before. It's the first time he showed me any other emotion apart from indifference, impassibility, badness, coldness and others. Holding me firmly by my arms he continued.

"Don't you ever dare to do that again. You cannot reject me. You cannot leave away from me. Never! You understand? NEVER! YOU WILL STAY WITH ME FOREVER!" he yelled at me and then he left knocking loudly the door behind him.