Adelina's pov:
We got in the jeep and headed tο the forest. We reached at a point where the road was a dead end, we left the car and continued on foot with Maximus holding a big wicker basket. We passed the clearing with the secret rock and ended up to a small lake with a small green waterfall. I hadn't seen so beautiful place before. I didn't even know the existence of this lake. Behind the small waterfall, a cave was hidden. Τhe lake was surrounded by low vegetation which consisted of grass and small colorful flowers. Α few meters afar there were beautiful tall oaks and willows. We chose one of the oaks and sat down. The sun was high and it was quite warm. Maximus opened the basket and took out a tablecloth which I helped him lay out. Then he started to take out various goodies which looked absolutely delicious. For the end he had left a bottle of white wine. I love white wine! Did he know that or it was just a lucky guess? Probably the second one but I really don't mind at all!