Chapter one

" Lucy please accept my proposal I love you " Adam pleaded.

" Adam it's not like that I also love I do but as you know our genotypes are both " As " if we both get married we are going to have sickle cell children '' she sobbed

" I know Lucy but I love you and I am willing to take the risk please Lucy " he begged

" Adam I am sorry to disappoint you but I can't give birth to sickle cell children, I am sorry '' she said and left Adam who was still in a daze

" Why? why? did this have to happen to us, Lucy? but anyways I am willing to take the risk for our love '' he sighed inwardly.


When Lucy got to her apartment she went directly to her bedroom and collapsed on the bed crying bitterly.

she cried until she could cry no more

" oh God why me? this is so unfair why me Lord? '' she sobbed

" What am I going to do now? I can't let Adam go, no no I can't sacrifice my love Ahhhhh! '' she sobbed

she cried herself to sleep that night

she woke up the next day with a serious headache

when she saw her reflection in the mirror she screamed

the young lady in the mirror looked like a ghost her make up was smeared her eyes were swollen from continuous crying and her hair was messy

" oh God I don't deserve this '' she sighed

she freshens up and went back to the kitchen

while eating she heard a knock on the door

when she opened it she saw her Best friend Rose.

" Hey Rose what brings you here? '' she asked

" Hey Lucy, can I come in? '' Rose said ignoring her question

" Yeah you can come in " Lucy replied moving aside so Rose could go in

After they had settled down Rose spoke up

" Lucy I heard about what happened between you and Adam," she said

" Rose I am confused what should I do I love Adam and on the other hand I don't want to give birth to sickle cell children " she sobbed

" Hey stop crying don't worry we will find a way out of this " Rose whispered

" no no there's no solution I don't know what to do " she sobbed

" Alright calm down stop crying okay Rose whispered trying to calm her down

Rose was Lucy's best friend since college when she heard about the situation she disagreed at first but when she saw that they were madly in love with one another she was helpless.