Chapter Thirteen


Rose was chosen to be the spokesperson for the Endorsement of a clothing Brand. She was to display the Clothing set on the runway of the imperial Star Hotel, the biggest and largest hotel in the country.

After a light Makeover by the Company's Makeup Artist, Rose Looked so Beautiful that she was stunned by just looking in the mirror.

" Is this me? " She asked herself whilst staring at her reflection in the mirror before her.

" What a good skin you've got Miss " The Makeup artist Joshua who happened to be Gay Complimented her.

" Yes, thank you " Rose replied Smiling.

" You Welcome Miss " Joshua replied giving Rose a toothy grin as he walked out of the room leaving Rose and her Manager Stella.

" Why are you looking at me like that Stella? " Rose asked her Manager raising an eyebrow when she felt her intense Stare at her.

Stella who was caught off guard let out a series of Coughs before giving Rose an Embarrassing Smile as her face turned red.

Seeing this Scene Happening Right Before her Rose was Amused.

" Don't tell me that you're to fall in love with me Stella? " Rose Purposefully Teased.

" What! I am not a lesbian Alright? " Stella Said as she defended herself.

" umm... Why were you staring intensely at me then? "

Sighing Heavily Stella Answered " Well, I was just thinking of how I would have treated and doted on you like a goddess if I was a guy because though I am a lady like you I can't help but get Fascinated by your beauty, so... I was wondering how that jerk was able to abandon you for his first love " Stella spat out the last words Angrily.

" Oh! that's what you were thinking? Anyways let's not go Into that right now as it's all in the past " Rose Solemnly Replied.

" Well, that's good to hear " Replied Stella grinning. " By the way, I am so sorry for bringing this up I didn't mean to upset you, I hope I didn't open up old Wounds? , I am sorry, I promise not to bring this up again " Promised Stella.

" it's okay, you don't have to feel guilty about it I am not affected by it, I am fine really, " Rose said Trying her best to Assure Stella.

" Alright I am very pleased to hear that "

" The Commercial should be Starting soon right? " Rose asked.

" Yes, it should be starting in about ten minutes so let's head out now, " Stella said as she helped Rose up and they both walked out of the room.

As Rose was a Supermodel her dressing room was well furnished than the rest and so was located at the far end of the Corridor, therefore she had to pass through other Dressing rooms to get to the backstage

While passing through the Other dressing rooms.

" Tch, the great and Mighty Super Model Rose Quinn is passing " Natasha a fellow model called out to Rose Sarcastically.

ignoring her Rose continued Walking Ahead with Stella her Manager trailing behind her.

Not giving up despite being ignored Natasha Continued. " Well, I heard the Rumors that your fiance Jeremy the Heir to the Peterson Conglomerate broke up with you, Is it true? if it's true that would be very sad Rose baby, I heard that he went back to his first love Sydney Lucas, How are you doing now? I hope you didn't cry your heart out Rose baby? " Natasha asked with fake Concern.

" Shut up Natasha, it's Non of your business " Stella who couldn't take it anymore approached her and was about to hit her when Rose's Next words Stopped her.

" Don't let anger get the better of you Stella as she's not worth your time and Effort "

After hearing Rose's Words Stella came back to her senses as she withdrew her hands and took a step backward.

" Stop Pretending Rose, you are as Arrogant as always, why wouldn't Jeremy Peterson leave you? who would want to remain in a relationship with a slut like you who slept her way up? Moreover, Jeremy is a Rich heir of a Conglomerate so why would he want to be with a Filthy pig like you when has an Innocent and pure first love who's also a Daughter of a Rich Businessman, I really Pity you Rose as you have Nothing to show Apart from your Pretty face " Natasha Mocked.

She Hated Rose to the bones as the latter had been advancing than her, she believed that Rose stole all that was hers including the Spokesperson for the Brand Rose was to shoot, She believed that all Rose wants is to step all over her, get jealousy and Envy reached it's the highest level when she found out that Rose became the fiance of Jeremy the Richest and Most Handsome Heir in the Country who also happened to be among the Top ten eligible bachelors in the country whom every Woman would be willing to die for.

" Are you done? " Rose asked with a faint smile that didn't reach her eyes.

" of course I am, do you think I have all day to gossip about you? " Natasha replied Shamelessly.

" oh! it's a good thing that you realized that, By the way, Miss Natasha Williams Winner of the Biggest and Finest Breasts and Buttocks Can you please take a good look at yourself first before you speak of others? " Without giving Natasha a chance to Refute Natasha Continued. " You claimed I slept my way upright? well at least I did that in secret as only you are aware of that but what about you? Why do I get to See disgusting photos and videos of you online Sleeping and Flirting with Rich old Hags? Because of money? Are you that cheap Natasha? you still got the guts to gossip about someone when Scandalous Photos of you are spreading Wide online, instead of your ugly face in your Secret and Secluded Condo you keep Gossiping about others all day, don't you have any shame at all? Do you claim that Jeremy Peterson broke up with me uh? Well at least I got to Be in a relationship with a Ric, Famous, and Handsome Heir but what about you Who lost her Virginity to Her Uncle Because of a Car at Just age Eighteen? Miss Natasha Williams Why don't you take a good look at your Twitter account before you continue Shaming others " Rose Mocked So Harshly that even Stella's felt a chill Run down her spine, even though she already knew Rose as being Sharp Toothed she never expected her to be this Brutal and unforgiving, she practically Killed Natasha with about just Ten sentences.

" How dare you, Rose? " Natasha spat out Angrily, she was boiling with Rage, this was the first time someone insulted her as she has always been Spoilt Rotten from childhood and When she became a model people feared and Respected her because she's got a lot of backings from her Sex partners who were rich and Famous.

" Dare? why won't I dare? I am not lying am, is NatashahaaWilliams? " Rose Provoked as she wanted Natasha to take action and just as she expected the latter fell into her trap.

" you... " Natasha was so Angry that she completely lost it as she raised her hand to Slap Rose on the face but she didn't succeed as the latter who had Predicted her move Caught her wrist and held it tightly that Natasha felt as if her skin was Peeling.

" Let memo go Slutty Rose " Natasha Cried out Angrily.

" Repeat what you said just now " Rose Said coldly as her eyes turned red.

Natasha shivered in fear from the gaze Rose was giving her but despite this, she held unto her pride and Repeated herself Word by word.

" Let me go Slutty R... " She Never Finished her Sentence as the next moment a tight and Resounding slap was Delivered on her face she would have fallen to the ground from the force but she didn't as Rose held unto her wrist which prevented her from falling.

" You... " Natasha stared at Rose Bewildered she wanted to Speak but was interrupted by Rose.

" Listen carefully to me Miss Natasha Williams, the Next time you call me a slut or try to raise your hand to me, then I promise that I won't be merciful " After Saying this She twisted Natasha's Arm so tightly that the latter screamed out in pain, Pleased with Natasha's Reaction Rose Smiled Coldly as she dropped Natasha's Arm Harshly Not caring if the later fell down or not from the force Applied She Walked Away with her Head held high.

Stella who was in a daze Snapped out of it when she realized that Rose had Walked Away, She was very worried and Anxious Especially when she realized that the whole Scenario was captured by the Gossipers who happened to be the staff members and workers of the hotel.

Stella Ran after Rose Quickly while calling out to her " Rose, Rose! "

" What is it This time Stella? " Rose asked When Stella caught up.

" The whole Scenario was captured by the staff members and workers, What would happen to your reputation if the videos were posted online? " Stella asked Worriedly.

" oh! well, I don't care as my reputation has never been good as I keep getting framed for what I didn't do often so what's the difference, at least this time I will not be wrongly Accused. " Rose Answered indifferently.

" But Rose .... "

" Let's just about all that happened, for now, We still have to make last-minute preparations for the shoot right? " Rose Reminder Interrupting Stella Mid Sentence.

" I almost forgot about that, let's go "

" umm," Rose replied as she started walking.

Meanwhile, Natasha who was twisted and Dropped lost her balance as she stumbled on her 10cm heels.

She would have fallen flat onto the ground if not for her Assistant who caught her in time.

" Be careful Sis Nat, don't injure yourself you still have a Commercial to shoot. "

" What do you ... "

" she's Right Natasha you've got to put yourself together " Her Manager Rivers Parker who was about seven years older than her Replied.

Natasha Gritted her teeth whilst trying her best to control her anger.

' I'll kill you, Rose, I'll tear you to pieces " She Ranted inwardly but kept a Pitiful look outside.

" I understand you Nat, but you have to calm down as you'll ruin Yi makeup and I'm age if you continue to be violent like this. " Rivers her Manager advised.

" I am sorry " Natasha whispered facing downwards.

" you don't have to be as I know it's not your fault " Rivers Parker was a little patient with Natasha despite all her Scandals as she saw Nat as a little sister who needs and deserves care and understanding, she had once been in Natasha's shoes so she understood how it felt to be Desperate and Envious and that was why she was still willing to stand by Natasha's Side Despite all that had happened.

To be fair she wasn't supposed to be managing a Scandalous model as she was a top-class manager but she couldn't bear Leaving Natasha Alone as she Slept her way up too.

* Birds of the Same feathers Flock Together *