Chapter 19

After he was done eating, Daniel posted the Picture on His social media account with a caption.

' Dinner tastes so Sweet. '

This Short caption he wrote and the picture blew up the net, Though he wasn't a fan of Social media, he still had an official account that had thousands of followers so immediately he posted it caused had uproar, not even a minute had passed and his post had been liked and shared.

Deciding not to waste his time on useless matters like this, He immediately logged out from Instagram and Opened his laptop to check some important documents, this he did while the internet was in chaos.

The comments on his post were.

' OMG! CEO Daniel just posted on His Instagram account after many years, I wonder what the occasion is? '

' Am I the only one who noticed how handsome He looked at that moment? '

' oh my! I didn't realize that CEO Daniel could look so dashing in Casual outfits. '

' CEO Daniel is currently eating my best food!!! Should I come with my plate? '

' I wish to have a Husband like CEO Daniel, he's so caring and loving. '

The comments Section had over Ten thousand Comments, the Shares were over a Hundred thousand while the likes were One million.

Meanwhile, Daniel who was busy reviewing some important documents didn't know that he had just caused an uproar with his post.


After Two days of Resting, Rose Quinn decided to go out for shopping to get the necessary materials she needs.

As she wasn't a fan of wearing high-class clothes, she just wore a casual white top and jeans trousers with a Blue Blazer, she also didn't forget to take her Spectacles with her so she wouldn't be easily recognized by the reporters, she drove herself to the Famous City Mall where she usually frequent.

When she arrived there, she parked her car in the car park and then Alighted from it.

She immediately walked into the mall.

" Good, Afternoon, Mam. " The Guard at the door greeted her politely.

" Afternoon, Sir. " She replied him with a smile as she walked away leaving the guard dumfounded.

He wasn't used to customers replying to his greetings as most of them were too proud to Even nod their heads in acknowledgment but he couldn't blame them though as they all came from rich and prominent families. The Rich rules the world after all.

Rose went to the groceries center where she picked the required foodstuffs she needed for cooking, after picking up all that was needed, she went to the cashier and was about to pay for what she bought when she suddenly remembered that she needed to Buy some dresses and shoes for the upcoming ball party she must attend.

" Umm, can you cash this out first I still need to buy some things here? " She said.

" Okay, Mam. " The Young cashier replied as she proceeded to do as she was told.

Rose thought of going to Express Boutique but decided against it as she didn't like going there, the last time she went there she was almost framed by one of the Arrogant heiresses that often frequent there, though she was quick enough to defend herself.

She decided to get what she needed in the mall that she was in so she could go home early.

After being directed by one of the Attendance, Rose took the Sliding lift to the 5th floor where Clothings were being sold.

As she was walking to where the clothes were being displayed she saw an area where there were a lot of Tailors and seamstress sowing clothes.

' Why don't I go and check if I can find the dress of my choice there? ' she thought.

She walked in.

" Good Afternoon mam. " One of the Seamstress greeted her, she was a young woman in her early Forties probably.

" Afternoon. " Rose replied.

" Do you want to have clothes sowed? " She asked.

" Yes, can I see your latest designs? " Rose asked.

" Sure, you can, Mam. " The woman replied as she motioned for Rose to go with her into the inner room where the latest designs of dresses were on display.

" Wow! Such beautiful designs you've got here. " Rose Complimented in Awe.

" Thanks, Mam. " The woman replied.

" Which one do you like, Mam? " She asked.

" Umm, I like this one, Rose replied pointing to a Beautifully designed black dress with thin straps and adorned with diamonds.

" Okay, Mam. "

" Are these Ready-made dresses? " Rose asked.

" No, mam, this was designed for our Customers as per their request. "

" Okay, so mine would be designed for me, right? "

" Yes, Mam, I'll ask my Secretary to Take your measurements soon. "

" Alright, in how many days will It be ready. "

" In a week, Mam. " She replied.

" Okay. "

After coming out of the room, The woman immediately called out to her Secretary who came running almost immediately, The secretary was a very young girl in her early Youth.

" Boss. "

" You are going to be taking her measurements. "

" Okay, ma. "

" Can we walk to the measuring room, Ma? " The Young last asked turning to Rose.

" Okay. "

While the measuring section was going on, the girl couldn't help but be Awed by Rose's beauty as the latter looked like an Angel.

" Are you an Actress, Mam? " She asked Politely.

" No, I am a model. " Rose replied Smiling.

" You are a Model. "

" Umm. "

" Wait, " The girl said before she looked at Rose carefully.

" Don't tell me that you are Rose Quinn, the International Supermodel. " The Young lady continued.

" That's right. " Rose replied after a few minutes of thinking.

" OMG! I can't believe that my idol is in front of me! I can't even quickly recognize her! " The girl exclaimed.

" Oh? "

" You are indeed my idol, I have been a fan of you since You were still a normal Model, I always dreamed to be like you, but... ".

" But? "

" Well, I guess some things should just remain in our imagination. "

" Why? "

" I can't become a model because I don't have the perfect figure And also because my mom hates the entertainment industry as she often believed that most of them there are Prostitutes, oh am sorry, for saying this. " The Young girl Quickly apologized when she realized what she had just said.

" It's okay, I understand your parents point of view but I believe that if you want to become something you have to go for it, it's your dream after all and not theirs, sometimes we have to listen to our heart and do the right thing, it's your life after all. " Rose advised.

" True, thanks for the advice, I must say that you are very humble and kind, you are nothing like the rumors say. "

" I'll take that as a compliment. " Rose replied.

Soon they were done with the measurements and were ready to head out, as soon as she took a step towards the door, she heard the young lady speak.

" Umm, can I hug you? " The Young girl requested.

" Yes. " Rose replied and almost immediately the young girl embraced her tightly.

" Pinch me! Tell me this is a dream! I can't believe that I am hugging my idol! " The Young girl mumbled and Rose heard it.

" You aren't dreaming. " Rose said pinching the Young girl a little.

" Ouch!, That hurts! "

" It'll which proves that you aren't dreaming. " Rose said.

" Hmmn, Thanks. " The Young girl replied as she looked at Rose hesitatingly.

" Do you have something to say? "

" Yes, can I get an autograph? " She requested.

" Of course, where should I sign? " Rose inquired, unknowingly she also started to like the young girl in front of her, perhaps it's because she started to see herself in her when she was younger.

" Here. " The girl replied bringing out a pink Note pad.

" Isn't this your dairy? " Rose asked.

" Yes, it is. " She replied.

" Okay. " Rose answered now signing on the young girl's diary.

" Thank you very much, you are so nice! I never knew that celebrities could be this nice. " She said.

" We are indeed nice but I think it's based on our personalities, everybody is different remember? "

" Yes. "

" BTW, what's your name? "

" I am named Princess. "

" Wow! Such a nice Name, you indeed look like a princess. "

" Why, Thank you. "

" Hmmn. "

" Your name often reminds me of the red rose. "

" Really? Is that your favorite rose? "

" Yes. "

" Oh! Mine is the white roses. "

" That's nice. "

" Yes. "

[ Rose , Princess ]

" Let's head out now it's been More than Thirty minutes, your boss would be worried by now. "

"She's my Aunt. "

" Oh! No wonder you guys look alike. "

" Really? Is it that obvious? "

" Yes, it is. " Rose replied as they finally walked out.

" Emm, Mam, I hope she didn't give you a hard time? " The Seamstress asked immediately they got outside.

" No, she didn't it was the opposite. "

" Okay, Mam, am relieved. "

" So I'll be leaving now, I should be getting my Dress in a week right? "

" Yes, Mam. "

" Okay, Bye Princess. " Rose Said Waving at the young girl.

" Bye, an idol. "

" Hmmn. " Rose replied as she finally left the room, leaving the young lady's aunt dumfounded.

She couldn't believe that the duo had bounded in a short amount of them, it was so unbelievable, weren't celebrities rumored to be Proud?

[ Yes they are, I guess but some are not, Rose is proof of this fact, not all celebrities are proud! But most are though! ]

Rose Decided to purchase some and stockings at the Casual Clothing center.

As she was walking with her mind someone else as she was thinking of inviting Her manager Stella out for a chit chat, though it's been just two days since she saw the latter, she was already missing her.

' Perhaps I should call her, or should I text her? ' Rose thought but she decided against it as she was aware of how busy the latter is.

' what if I happen to be disturbing her with my calls and Texts? ' she thought.

' Whatever, she'll call me herself when she's less busy, perhaps I should call Lucy instead. ' Thinking about her Best friend made her smile.

While Rose was busy in deep thought she wasn't looking ahead and ended up colliding with Someone.

It was a lady with thick make-up.

" Am sorry. " Rose apologized Quickly realizing what she had done.

" Am sorry? What would that do? Didn't you look where you are going to? Are you blind? " The Woman Inquired Angrily.

" I have already Apologized to you, what else should I do? "

" Umm, why don't you Kowtow, three times for me to know how sincere you are. "

" Kowtow? Why would I do that? We both barged Into each other so I think it's only natural for you to apologize too. "

[ Kowtow: it means to kneel and bow low enough to touch one's forehead to the ground. I guess The lady was very stupid to ask Rose to do this, will Rose Kowtow? ]

" Apologize? Why would I do that? You were the one who was sleepwalking not be alright. "

" Alright, I am sorry. " Rose apologized again.

" That's not enough! "

" What's wrong, Honey? " Suddenly A Handsome young man approached them, it was Rose's Ex fiance Jeremy.

" It's her, she intentionally Barged into me. " The Young lady replied pitifully.

" It might be unintentional, you should forgive her. " He replied.

" I will if she apologize to me. "

" But I already did. " Rose said interrupting them.

" Rose? " Jeremy Was shocked when he finally looked up, he couldn't believe that it was Rose.

' Oh! So it's him. ' Rose thought.

" Rose? Do you guys know each other? "

" Yes, she's my ex-fiance " Jeremy replied.

" Oh! "

* Like they say enemies Meet on the narrow road. *

* What do you think will happen next, readers? *