Chapter 21

After the duo left, Rose finally sighed in relief, it was not that she was afraid of them she was just afraid of been on the news the next day but little did she know that an incident was still going to happen than will have her on the news.

She went to the clothing section and started choosing the ones she liked, she did this whilst humming a tone. She didn't realize that it was, I never loved you by Evie Clair that she was singing.

' love do you know?

We've been growing apart

And you should know

That for me that's hard

Darling, I'm scared if I let you go, oh

This will be goodbye for good

It's easier this way

I'll spare my heart some pain

Even though I know it isn't true

It's easier this way

I'll spare my heart some pain

Even though I know it isn't true

I never loved you.....

She continued Humming and then she realized that she was indeed in love with Jeremy once and it hurt her when he abandoned her but she couldn't help but feel that he didn't love her, maybe he was with her to get over his first love because if he had indeed loved her, it wouldn't be that easy for him to leave.

The famous quote ' Absence makes the heart grow stronger. ' doesn't apply in her case because seeing him again got her disgusted, she just realized that she knew nothing about him though they've been together for long.

' Well, everything happens for a reason, I guess it's time to move on. ' She thought.

After Picking all she wanted to buy, she went to the cashier so she could pay for her bills but unknown to her, her card has been Stolen.

After the Cashier had already amounted what she had picked.

" Mam, your card, please. " The Cashier requested.

" Okay, wait a sec. " Rose replied as she opened the outside zip of her bag where she kept her card but to her utmost surprise, the card wasn't there!

' OMG! Where's my card? I kept it here, so where is it? " Rose thought.

She searched through all her bag but couldn't find them.

' Where's my card! Did I lose it? , I didn't! '

" Mam... "

" Can you please give me time, you can attend to the other customers for the Time being. "

" Okay, Mam. " She replied.

Rose continued searching endlessly for her card, then it Dawned on her that it might have been stolen but when? And why would anyone even do that? ' she thought.

Then she remembered that while she was picking her stuff, there was a particular lady beside her who was also picking and at a point, the both of them collided with one another but the Lady apologized immediately so Rose wasn't so suspicious of her but what if that wasn't an accident? What if it was planned?

' What am I going to do now? I don't have any cash with me now, I'll be embarrassed if I don't have any money to pay, Perhaps I should call Lucy? ' she thought but before she could act on that.

Dorothy who had been watching this scene all along suddenly walked up to her with Jeremy trailing right behind her.

" What's Wrong, Rose? " She inquired with fake concern.

Of course, she knew what was going on after all she was the one that sent that woman to steal Rose's card as she wanted to Embarrass the latter in front of the Remaining customers.

' I wonder what the Headline tomorrow will be? '

Supermodel Rose Quinn Didn't have money to pay for her goods and Embarrassed herself at the City Mall.

' How embarrassing will that be, ah! '

Seeing that Rose didn't reply to her, Dorothy faced the Cashier.

" What's Wrong, Miss, why haven't you cashed out her yet? "

" She hasn't paid yet, she asked me to wait for a second and since then she has been searching through her bag. " The Cashier replied.

" Oh! Perhaps she is looking for her Card. "

" Maybe. "

" Did you forget your card at home, Rose? " She asked Rose again but as always the latter just ignored her.

In her mind, Rose was already thinking of how she would get out of the situation that she was in, she couldn't afford to tarnish her reputation.

' How could I be so careless? ' she scolded herself.

' Wait, Dorothy? What if she planned all of this? ' Realizing this Possibility Rose clenched her fists tightly.

' I need to sort this out, now! But how? '

Meanwhile Seeing Rose like this, Dorothy Rejoiced inwardly.

' Serves you right, Slut! ' she thought inwardly but outside she was still acting concerned.

" Umm, Jeremy I think Miss Rose just misplaced her card and I don't want her to be embarrassed, why don't you pay for her goods with your Blank Card? "

" That's a good idea, we can't let Rose be Embarrassed after all she's our Acquaintance. " He replied as he fished out his Blank Card.

" Here. " He said giving it to the Cashier so she can cash out it.

Meanwhile, the Ladies from earlier were seen to be gossiping again.

" The Wife is so nice, even helping out her husband's mistress, I can't do it. "

" Same here, if I was in her shoes I would have let the mistress be embarrassed after all she deserved it. "

" Yes, me too."

Hearing around her, Dorothy felt better.

" Wait! " Rose Suddenly said stopping the cashier from putting the card into the machine.

" Why? Do you have money on you? "

" No, I'll rather not buy anything. "

" Sorry, Mam, but goods already picked can't be returned. "

" Why? "

" It's part of our policies. "

" Okay, don't use that card I'll call my friend now, I'll use her card. "

" How could you be so ungrateful, Rose? My Boyfriend is offering to help you but yet you are still refusing. "

" Did I ask for your help? "

" What... "

" I never knew that Some people could be so ungrateful! "

" They are offering to help her, yet she's refusing, who does that. "

' What am I going to do now! ' Rose started Panicking.

" Why don't you use my card? " Suddenly a sultry Voice was heard and almost immediately all heads turned towards the direction of the voice.

It was a Dignified Man in Black Suit and Trousers.

Without Wasting Any Time, he gave his card to The cashier and before anyone could say a thing, the money for the goods was deducted.

" There you go, Miss Quinn. " He said as he handed the Bag of clothes to Rose, Subconsciously Rose collected it.