Chapter 24

On the other side.

Dorothy's phone Vibrated indicating an incoming message.

After opening it she saw Jeremy's message.

After reading it, she smiled mockingly.

She somehow expected this because she was aware of how much Jeremy's family needs her family support.

' So greedy. ' she thought.

" Why are you suddenly so quiet Dorothy? " Her Grandfather's voice interrupted her thoughts.

" It's nothing much, Grandpa, you have nothing to worry about. " She replied.

" If you say so, btw, who's the message from? "

" It's from, Jeremy, Grandpa, he asked to pick me up tomorrow morning for a date. "

" Oh? I thought he offended you earlier, so wassup with him now? "

" Well, he just apologized and asked me to forgive him. "

" Okay, you can forgive him if you think he's Sincere enough. "

" Hmm. "

" I hope he's treating you well by the way or is he still in love with that Cheap model. "

" He isn't, Grandpa. "

" Good, you must be tired from all the outings, go freshen up now. "

" Alright, Grandpa. " She replied as she walked towards her Grandpa and gave him a bear hug before she walked up to her room.

Dorothy would say that her Grandpa is the only one she loved and trusted most in this world, perhaps it's because the latter was the only family she has left and also the fact that the latter was very nice and caring towards her.

Downstairs, after Dorothy left.

Adrea Washington, Dorothy's Grandfather called his Assistant.

" Good Afternoon, sir. " The assistant greeted after picking up the call.

" Umm. "

" What can I help you with, Sir? " He inquired.

" Help me find out what happened earlier at the City Mall. "

" Alright, Sir I'll. "

" Good. " He replied as he disconnected the call.

Though his Granddaughter assured him that everything was fine and that Jeremy was treating her well, he decided not to believe her because he was aware of how much the latter was obsessed with Jeremy.

He could clearly remember Years ago when he instructed the latter to end her relationship with Jeremy and travel abroad to further her education.

He remembered how sad and depressed the latter was, he recalled how the latter refused to eat and drink for days because of this, though he felt guilty for doing this to his dearest granddaughter he didn't have any other choice than to send the latter abroad.

She needed to be trained physically, mentally, and emotionally for the task ahead, she was his chosen heir for the family's business so she mustn't be weak.

His Granddaughter finally agreed to Go abroad after he threatened to kill Jeremy if she didn't agree to his terms.

Years have passed and now his Granddaughter is back in the country, though she wasn't that Fragile little lady as she was before he still had to make sure that everything was fine, it's better to be safe than sorry after all.

About Thirty minutes later, he got a call from his Assistant, the latter reported entirely what happened at the City Mall to him.

He couldn't help but admit that he wasn't quite pleased with what his Granddaughter did but yet he couldn't still let his Granddaughter be bullied after she's the heir to one of the top Business organizations in the country.

It indeed Suprised him to know that Daniel Romero Arrived in Time to Save Rose from embarrassment.

' What relationship could they possibly have? ' he thought as he was well aware of that fact that Daniel Romero created a safe distance between him and women and even though he ran a modeling agency he made sure that he didn't have any relationship with any of his artists.

So what now?

Perhaps he found Rose Quinn Beautiful.

But many other Ladies were more beautiful than Rose Quinn so why her?

If it had been another lady he would have let it slide but it's Rose Quinn, The woman who made his Granddaughter Sad, how dare they bully his Precious Granddaughter, have they forgotten who she is?

Dorothy Washington.

Yet again he called his assistant.

" Sir? "

" Get me all the information you can find on Rose Quinn and Daniel Romero, get it done before Tomorrow Evening, and bring it to me here at the mansion. " He instructed.

" Alright, Sir. "

" Good, you'll get a 5% increase in your Salary this month if you do your work well. "

" Thank you, Sir, I'll make sure to do it well. "

" I'll be waiting. " He replied as he disconnected the call.