Chapter 34


After two rings, the call was finally picked up on the Other Side.

" Hello, Miss Quinn. "

" Hi. " Rose replied shyly.

" Why did you suddenly call? " He inquired.

" Well, about the rumors. "

" Oh, what about it? "

" Hmmn, haven't you thought of clarifying it? "

" I did, to be honest, but I was waiting for your opinion. "

" Oh. "

" So have you found a solution, yet? "

" Not really. "

" Okay, "

" We are still meeting up at 3, right? "

" Of course, at Sharon's Restaurant. "

" Oh, why did you chose Sharon? "

" Well, I love my privacy. "

" Okay. "

" Anything else? "

" No. "

" Alright, bye I need to attend a meeting soon. "

" Hmmn, bye. " Rose replied as the call got disconnected.

" Not bad. " Stella exclaimed.

" Meaning? "

" Well,... "

" Was that your new boyfriend that called auntie? " Little Lucia inquired.

" No. "

" Oh, then who's he? "

" Well, he's my savior. "

" Why would he suddenly save you when you guys are not in a relationship? Does he have an ill intention towards you? "

" No, I don't think so. "

" How could you be so sure, Auntie? , Humans can be so unpredictable. "

" Oh? What are you implying, honey? "

" Well, I think that in this world people can be very cruel, some people only help you because they need something from you and so they want you to be indebted to them forever, We have to be very careful with people especially in this world where almost everyone is out to get you. "

" I know that darling but you know what? "

" What, auntie? "

" In this World that People are out to get you, there are still people who only want to love and cherish you, they are willing and ready to respect and treat you like you deserve, they just want to dote endlessly on you. "

" Are you sure of that, auntie? "

" Of course I am, why don't you take your mom for example, would she want to hurt or harm you? "

" No. "

" There you have it, there are lots of people in this world that don't mean to harm you, they just want to love you unconditionally. "

" Alright, Auntie. "

" Hmm but you still have to be careful though as there are lots of wolves in sheep's clothing in this world. "

" Wolf's in sheep's clothing? , I don't understand, can you please explain? "

" Well, You know what a wolf is right? "

" Yes. "

" And a sheep? "

" Yes. "

" So there are people in this world who often pretend to be what they are not just to get you, they take up the character of another person just to win you over, They are naturally bad and wicked but just because they want to get you, they pretend to be good and nice, that's why they are called, Wolf's in sheep's clothing, do you understand now? "

" Yes, Auntie, so does that mean that you are quite confident that your savior is not out to get you? "

" Well, I won't say that I am confident as I don't know what's going on in his mind but I can be sure that he won't hurt me. "

" Why? "

" That's because he doesn't have anything to gain from it, I am sure that I have never offended him or done anything bad to him so there's no reason for him to want to hurt me. "

" I hope you haven't forgotten about the fact that some people bear a hidden grudge. " This Time it was Stella that replied.

" I know. "

" Right, right, I almost forgot that I made some cookies. "

" Wow, Mom, is it Milk or chocolate? "

" Why don't you take a guess? "

" You made both? "

" Brilliant. "

" Wow, Mom, I love you Soo much! "

" I love you too darling! "

Watching their interactions, Rose felt very happy, even though Stella just got dismissed from her job, she didn't let it get to her.

" Would you like some cookies too, Rose? " Stella inquired Snapping the latter out of her stupor.

" I'll love to have some. "

" Alright, wait here, I'll be back in a moment. "

" Okay. "

Minutes later the Trio were happily munching the cookies Stella made, it was very delicious that they didn't communicate with one another, it was as if they were trying to savor the taste of it.

Later when they had finished eating.

" By the way, Sis, what are you planning to do now that you have been dismissed? "

" Nothing much, I'll just seat here at home and watch, Korean dramas. "

" Oh, you watch Korean dramas too? "

" Of course I do, who doesn't? "

" Hmmn, that's true, are you going to remain idle for the rest of your life? , How would you survive without your salary? "

" When did I say that I won't continue working? "

" What do you mean? "

" You told me earlier that you are going to clear your name, right? "

" Yes, So? "

" It's simple after you've cleared your name, I'll resume back to being your manager, isn't that what you and Our CEO agreed on? "

" It is, but till when will you wait?, I don't even have an evievidenceove my innocence yet. "

" I know but I am sure that you will soon, I believe in you. "

" Fine, I am glad to hear that. "

" Hmmn, btw, why didn't Lucia go to school today? "

" Well, it's a public holiday today so... "

" Oh, I almost forgot that today is May 27, Children's day. "

" Hmmn, and I guess you've probably forgotten that Tommy tomorrow birthday. "

" What! Don't tell me that you'll be turning 30 tommorow?. "

" Of course, I am not getting younger anymore. "

" Sorry to interrupt your conversation but I am pretty curious about something. "

" What's it? "

" How old are you, Auntie. "

" Well, I am turning 25 in two months time. "

" Wow, you are turning 25? , But you look so young. "

" Oh? How old do you think I am? "

" Well, you look 19 but because you've been a model for five years now, I thought you were 22. "

" Oh. "

" Yes, By the way, Mom, Do you remember what you promised me earlier this morning? "

" Oh, I remember. "

" So are we still going to the funfair today? "

" Of course, we will. "

" Okay, Mom. "

" I guess it's almost time for us to leave, go Tell your Nanny to get you dressed. "

" Alright, Mom. " Lucia replied as she ran off to her room.

" Since you guys are going out, I think I should be leaving. "

" To where? "

" I have an appointment remember? "

" I know but that's by 3! It's just past one, okay? Or are you going to go to the restaurant two hours ahead of time? "

" .... "

" Anyways, you are coming with us to the funfair. "

" But, I'll be easily recognized. "

" With a little makeover and a change of dressing, you won't. "

" But... " Before she could Protest, she was dragged into A King-sized Bedroom by Stella and soon the latter started Searching for a suitable Ooutfitfor her.

And at last, Rose finally Relented which made Stella sigh in relief.

Though Rose didn't show it on her face, Stella was very well aware that the latter was hurt by what happened earlier on, so instead of letting her go home to sulk, she decided to drag her to the funfair since there are still at least two hours before her scheduled meeting with Ceo Daniel.

Soon, The trio got ready in cute outfits.

They were all putting on Matched Mickey mouse white top and Jeans Trousers with White sneakers.

They also had a Cutely tied Bandana On their hair and sunglasses to avoid been easily recognized.

Rose Who was almost 25 years old couldn't be recognized as she looked like a high school student while Stella looked like a 22-year-old woman, Little 9-year-old Lucia looked like a Little Princess.

The trio's Appearance stunned the entire Funfair attendants They were just too breathtaking especially Rose who stood out completely with her Supermodel-like appearance.

The men there couldn't help but take a second glance at them.

They Looked like the Triple J sisters with their appearances.

All the guests had one thing in mind and that was that this year's Children's day celebration was going to be Spectacular.