Chapter 37

" Time up! " Rose suddenly exclaimed but just as she was about to press the upload button, she was suddenly taken down by Two men in Black who appeared from nowhere.

Immediately her body acted on Reflex as she started Kicking and struggling but all to no avail as the two men were well built.

' Told you! ' Jerry exclaimed in his mind as he sent an eye message to little Lucia.

' It isn't over yet. ' Lucia Replied him.

" Hand over the Video Player now! " The man ordered Rose.

" I won't! " Rose declared which made the onlookers stunned.

While some Were pitying her others were mocking her especially the women who had been jealous of Rose's beauty and figure as she attracted the attention of almost all the men around.

" Then, don't blame me for being ruthless, Hold her tight and Remove the Camera from her jeans pocket and destroy it, now! " He ordered.

But before the men could carry this out Rose suddenly Started Screaming.

" Rapists! They are trying to Rape me! Help! Please help me! " Her sudden exclamation stunned the entire Crowd as none of them could move an inch it was as if they were completely rooted to the spot.

No one came to Rose's Rescue as they were all aware that the man in front of them is not someone to be messed with Since he could do something like this in public without fear.

" Shut her mouth now! " He instructed.

By this time all the young kids were frightened by this scene as they hid behind their parents Back, some begged to be taken home but their parents were unable to grant their request as all the exit doors were shut.

Before the men could shut her mouth, Rose screamed one more time and before The onlookers knew what was happening The Two men holding her had been beaten up Ruthlessly and the man and his Wife were held Firmly by Fully Armed Bodyguards.

The bodyguards all had a similar outfit with the Tag.


Though Rose tried to remain low-key that didn't change the fact that she was the Heir to the Quinn's Conglomerate so she had access to a couple of guards.

She was well aware that her father had assigned a couple of hidden guards to watch her from the shadows and they will only appear in front of her whenever she was in danger and that's why she screamed twice to attract their attention.

Even Stella was shocked to realize what was happening but soon realization dawned on her, she had Probably forgotten that Rose wasn't only an international Supermodel but also The Heir of A huge conglomerate.

' Didn't I tell you earlier that you shouldn't underestimate a girl? '

' Whatever. ' The Little guy replied rolling his eyes as he was so embarrassed.

" Why are you holding me? Do you know who I am? " The man Threatened while struggling.

" How dare you do that to Miss Quinn? Are you seeking death? "

" Miss Quinn? , Who... " Just then it Dawned on him that the lady They were bullying all along was Not just a nobody, he suddenly began to Regret his actions but it was too late as the police officers soon arrived and Arrested them.

After they left, the Onlookers were still in wonder, it felt like they were still in a dream.

Some people who suddenly realized who Rose was Began to act nice to curry favors from her but they Failed as Rose wasn't a fool to not Realize their intentions.

" I am sorry that this had to happen today, Lucia. " Rose apologized to the little girl.

" It's alright, auntie, thanks for settling things and from now on I see you as my hero. "

" Oh? "

" Yes. "

" Thanks for today, Rose, I didn't know what I would have done without your help. "

" It's alright, what are Sisters for? " Rose Replied Smiling.

[ Indeed, what are Sisters for? ]

Rose decided that they should enjoy the children's day celebration at a cinema with popcorns.

They booked a Ticket to Watch The New Children Films that were just released to the cinema.

As an apology for ruining the day, Rose decided to Pay for the expenses, though she wasn't to be blamed for all that happened she couldn't help but still feel guilty as she was aware of how excited Little Lucia was for the funfair but it all got Ruined because of that Stupid family!