Chapter 39

Rose arrived at the restaurant at exactly 3:05 pm.

Luckily she wasn't too late or she wondered how she would be able to face CEO Daniel.

She walked into the Restaurant with her head up high, she had already been told where CEO Daniel's booth is so she went straight there.

She didn't fail to notice the Envious gazes she received from the Ladies there.

The men were looking at her Flirtatiously but she didn't even look at them as she was already used to the gazes she was getting.

She's an international Supermodel after all.

As she was about to Climb the sliding lift to the top she Collided with Two ladies.

After they had apologized to her to which Rose Nodded in Acknowledgement they started gossiping about her, they weren't the only one though as several other people were doing the same.

" Isn't that Rose Quinn, the model that has been on the hot research since yesterday? " One said to the other.

" Yes, of course, She is, I can't fail to recognize her no matter how she Dresses. "

" Oh, What's she doing here? "

" What do you think? "

" Perhaps she's here to meet up with one of her numerous Sugar Daddies. "

" Maybe but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the truth "

" Same here, she doesn't even have the least bit of shame, how can she still appear in public after all that happened? Isn't she afraid of being boycotted by reporters? "

" I think she has a way to escape all of that."

" Maybe. "

Ignoring all the whispers around her, Rose walked Straight to the booth as she was about to walk into the booth, the door suddenly opened as Patrick CEO Daniel's Assistant came out.

" Good Afternoon, Miss Quinn. " He greeted.

" Good Afternoon to you too Mr. Partrick, is Mr. Daniel in? " She inquired.

" Yes, he is, you can come in Miss. " He replied as he ushered her in with a Smile.

The Booth was very big, it consisted of multiple tables and chairs, it was also Beautifully decorated but there was no sign of CEO Daniel around.

' Where is he? , Hasn't he arrived yet? ' she thought.

As if knowing her thoughts, Patrick spoke up.

Miss Quin,n Your table is upstairs. "

" Oh, but why are we taking this route, instead of the sliding lift to the top? "

" Well, there's a staircase here that we can use to get to the top. "

" Okay, I didn't realize it. "

" Hmmn, Follow me, let me lead you up. "

" Okay, " she replied.

Patrick walked Ahead to the side of the room, it so happened that the stairs were hidden by a Door and immediately the door was opened, the stairs lightened up with Different shades of Lights.

Before he took a step up the stairs, Patrick suddenly stopped which confused Rose.

" Miss, Ceo Daniel instructed that you should be the only one that would come upstairs. "

" Oh... " Rose replied.

" I hope you don't misunderstand his intentions. "

" No. "

" Okay, you can go up now Miss. " He said

" Okay, " Rose replied as she started walking up the stairs, her dress flaunting with every step she took.

She noticed that as she continued Ascending the stairs the lights became brighter and brighter.

Soon, she got to the Rooftop of the Restaurant, she was completely dumbstruck by the view in front of her.

It was like she just got to another Planet.

The whole ground was well designed and the whole area had a Romantic setting, the place was were listed with candles that illuminated the place.

A golden Round Table was placed in the middle of the Place with two Beautifully decorated chairs at its side.

' This is very beautiful, I wonder where CEO Daniel is, though? ' Rose thought.

Just then she heard the sound of footsteps coming from the side and then she saw Him in a Blue colored suit and trousers, he looked like a model with his long legs.

" Welcome, Miss Quinn. " His Lavender-like voice Was heard.

" Thank you, I hope I didn't arrive too late? " She inquired.

" No you didn't, I just got here too. "

" Oh, this place is very beautiful by the way, did you ask them to prepare it? "

" Yes, I did. "

" Okay. "

" You can have your seat now. " He said as he pulled out a chair for her to seat on.

" Thank you. " She replied to which he smiled as he sat down on the other seat opposite her.

" You look very beautiful today. " He complimented.

" Thank you. " She replied.

Realizing that they are starting to feel awkward, Daniel Pressed a button on the table, and immediately two waiters came running.

" Good day, Sir. " They greeted to which Daniel Nodded.

" Get us some Wines, will you? "

" Alright, Sir. " The replied as they left Leaving the menu.

Daniel then Handed the Menu over to Rose

" Why don't you order what you want to eat. "

" Oh... " Rose replied.

Later she ordered some light deserts and CEO Daniel did the same.

They decided to chat a little to pass time as their food was just about to be prepared.