Chapter 41

" So? " Daniel inquired from Rose after they were done with their lunch.

" What? " Rose asked a little confused by the sudden question.

" Hmm, what are you going to do now? , Are you planning to find a way to clear your name and avoid been blacklisted or what? "

" Oh, that, well I am not sure of what I am going to do but I'll find a way out soon. " Rose replied.

" Oh, so that means you have no plan to abandon your agency even though they betrayed you for their selfish reasons? " Daniel Inquired bemused.

" I have no plans to leave them for now, I won't want to pay evil for evil ( an eye for an eye ) because if I do then there won't be a difference between me and them which I don't want. "

" Oh, you are right but I just want to tell you that if you require help or assistance in any way then you can just call me, I'll be very happy to assist you in the best way I can. "

" Alright, Thanks. " Rose replied sincerely, this was probably the first time that Someone was volunteering to help her in time of need so she felt very grateful.

Soon silence descended between them but it only lasted for about five minutes before Rose broke it with her next question.

" By the way, do you own this restaurant? " Rose curiously asked.

" I don't, the restaurant is one of the many properties owned by Adam Standford, the CEO of Moon Corps. " He replied.

" Oh, what's your view about Adam Standford? "

" Hm, I admire him a lot as he's very hard-working and intelligent and also very disciplined, he managed to build up his business to where it is now in just a couple of years which is very Admirable, I also admire him because he's not a spoilt heir like others but a dignified man who built his business from the scratch without any family support, unlike many others. "

" Oh, but I guess you are also Admirable as you also built your modeling agency from the scratch independently which isn't an easy thing to do. "

" Umm, you are right but it's still an easy task when compared to a business organization that has won many awards for their inventions. "

" You are right. "

" There was a time when Adam Standford became my mentor, I got motivated by his achievements. "

" Oh, have you seen him in person before? "

" Not really, I only saw him once at an event but that was from afar and not in person. "

" Okay, I heard that he's ranking top 5 on the list of eligible bachelor's in town, is it true? "

" Yes it is but lately I have been hearing rumors that he's committed ( in a relationship ) though I am not sure if the rumors are true or not. "

" Same here. " Rose replied simply deciding not to reveal much about her brother-in-law's private life.

" Why don't we walk to the balcony, we can see the view of the city from there. "

" Really? " Rose inquired Suprised.

" Yes and that's one of the reasons why I chose this particular Restaurant among the rest. "

" Good decision," Rose replied standing up as they both walked to the balcony.

When they got there, Rose was quite Suprised to see the view of the city, though it was still late afternoon they could already see the sun going down.

It looks so beautiful and amazing.

" It's amazing. " Rose said.

" Hmm, " Daniel replied simply.

" By the way, why did you make it so extravagant since it's just lunch we are having? "

' It not just lunch to me. ' Daniel thought inwardly.

" Well, it's not that extravagant and as I told you, I love my privacy. " He replied but Rose next question made him dumbfounded.

" Do you like me, Mr. Romero?."

Hearing her Calling him by his Surname, Daniel felt a pang in his heart and also the question he knew that he had to answer though he hasn't prepared his answer yet.

" I do. " He replied subconsciously, and before he could Use his logic the word had already dropped, it seems like that this time, his heart reacted faster than his brain.

" What! " Rose squealed in Surprise, though Stella told her earlier that he might be in love with her she didn't believe it as they weren't even acquainted so how can he possibly like her, it's impossible, right? Or so she thought.

" Why are you so Suprised to hear that? " Daniel inquired Bringing Rose out from her thoughts.

" Well, we've only met twice so I didn't expect you to like me so easily. "

' I don't just like you but I love you. ' Daniel thought inwardly.

[ A guy I have only met once, told me that he's in love with me, can you believe that readers? , He claimed that he has been watching for a very long time and that he loves my vibe, what do you think, readers? ]

"I got attracted to you during your Last Commercial. "

" Wow? Don't tell me that you watched me perform? " Rose squealed in Surprise.

" Yes I did and you were so amazing there especially when you blew that kiss, it felt like you were a descended Goddess. "

" Hm, thank you. " Rose replied a little Embarrassed, her little heart was beating loudly.

" My pleasure, You know when my staff informed me that the international Supermodel Rose Quinn was in trouble I couldn't help it but run there to come and save you from Embarrassment. "

" Oh. "

" So, Miss Quinn, do you like me too? , Am I the only one feeling this way, or is the feeling mutual? " Daniel inquired as he moved closer to Rose and the latter involuntarily took a step backward.

[ I hope I am not rushing this Readers? What's your view? ]

" Well... " Rose trailed off as she blushed from Embarrassment, she wasn't even aware of her feeling herself so how could she tell if she liked him or not? , The first man she ever liked broke her heart so how can she move on and like someone so easily, or so she thought.

" Well? " Daniel inquired stirring straight into her eyes.

" I don't know. " Rose truthfully replied.

" Why? " He inquired still maintaining eye contact with her.

" Well, my heart just got broken so I don't know if I can move on so quickly or like someone so easily.

" Oh... "

" But I admit that I do find you attractive too. "

" Really? "

" Yes. " Rose replied a little shy.

[ I wonder where the Sharp-tongued lady is now? ]