Chapter 55


Meanwhile, Rose and Daniel who were unaware of all this as their phones were all switched off.

They Were still at home on their way out.

Rose who wasn't used to going out on a date had no clothes to wear.

" Why don't we go get one for you at the boutique? "

" I don't think so, I'll just go and take one from my apartment. "

" Are you sure you'll be fine alone? " Daniel inquired worriedly.

" I'll you don't have to worry too much, hubby. " She replied as she stood on tiptoes and gave Daniel a kiss.

Though Rose was tall she was still a foot shorter than Daniel who was taller than her.

After Giving him a quick kiss on the lips, Rose was about to move away when Daniel suddenly Held her waists tightly and continued the kiss.

Rose let out a moan involuntarily and they soon got lost in the kiss, soon Daniel's hands started Crawling under Rose's Robe shocking her.

" What are you doing? " Rose Squealed.

" Nothing, let's go a round. " He told her.

Rose blushed understanding what he meant.

" But... " She was about to Protest when her lips was silenced by his and soon she found herself on bed.

Within seconds, they were both Naked as they continued Kissing.

After making sure that she was ready, Daniel Guided his hard Rod into her Milky way.

Rose Moaned as she felt him enter her, she didn't feel much Pain as she felt the first time, she only felt Pleasure.

Soon the Room was filled with Moans and Groans as they Made love.

Thirty Minutes later, Daniel pulled out of the Already Exhausted Rose and Rolled to the side before embracing her.

" Did you enjoy it? " He asked seducively.

" Hm." Rose replied Nodding.

After they had Calmed down Daniel Carried her to the Bathroom where they both took a quick shower before they dressed up.

Rose was dressed in a casual White top and Jeans.

" You look beautiful and hot in your outfit. "

" Hm, thank you. "

." I don't feel like letting you out as I don't want another man staring at you. "

" Oh, really? "

" Yes. "

" Sadly there's nothing you can do about that. "

" Says Who? "

" .... "

" I can keep you locked up here so you wouldn't have to leave. "

" You won't do that! "

" Hm, I won't. "

" Good. " Rose replied sighing in Relief.

" By the way, We are going to be moving to my home today after the date, your clothes and dresses are already prepared and the interior design has been changed to your style. "

" Thank you. "

" Have you forgotten about what I told you? "

" Oh... " Rose replied blushing.


After leaving the hotel , Rose went straight to her Apartment.

Unknown to her, a reporter Took a photo of her.

She went to her apartment and after using her key card to open the door, she went in and was about to head to her room when a voice from her living room startled her.

It was Jeremy.

" Where we you earlier? " He asked.

" Oh. " Rose said and then she realized that Jeremy still had access to her apartment.

' I guess I need to change the locks soon. ' She thought.

" What? Where were you all night? "

" And how is that your business? " Rose asked crossing her hands on her chest.

" Of course it's my business after all you are my fiance. "

" Ex. "

" But that doesn't change the fact that we were engaged once . "

" Hm, so? "

" You shouldn't be messing around with different men just because I abandoned you. "

Immediately his Words landed, Rose eyes grew cold.

" And who told you that? "

" Really? Haven't you watched the news yet? The whole internet is in an uproar because of you and your messing around not only did a reporter take a photo of you in an hotel , you also created an hype that you and CEO Daniel are married. "

" How could you be so Shameless , don't you have any dignity at all? How could you throw yourself at a man who doesn't want you? "

" .... "

Seeing that Rose was silent, Jeremy thought that she was reflecting on his words not knowing that Rose was actually Thinking about how the reporter managed to take a photo of her, after all she was very careful.

" I wonder why you are so desperate Rose? If you indeed needed a man then you could have just come to me you don't have to stook that low just to Get CEO Daniel's Attention. "

Still not getting any reply, Jeremy continued not knowing that he has become a noise pollution to Rose's ears.

" Why aren't you answering, Rose? I know that you are feeling guilty, don't worry I am still willing to accept you even though you might already be tainted ,I will accept you as long as you agree to stop being a Slut. "

His last statement Attracted Rose's Attention.

One thing she hated most was when people call her a Slut when she isn't!

" Repeat what you said. "

" I will accept you as long as you agree to stop being a Slu.. " Jeremy repeated and before he say the last latter , he felt a stinging pain on his right cheeks as Rose slapped him.

Rose eyes was burning with Rage.

How dare he call her a Slut?

Who's he to say that to her?

Have he forgotten so soon about what he did?

" How dare you raise your hand to me? , Is that how you were taught while growing up? "

" I did, So? , You deserved it. "

" How dare you, Rose! Apologize to me, now, Slut! " He replied Brimming with anger.

[ Two angry people, I wonder what will happen next? ]

" Call me a Slut once again and you'll regret it. "

" What can you do about it, Slut? , Have you forgotten about the fact that I am a man and men rules the world? ,What do you think will happen if I report to the media that you try to force yourself on me? , What would happen to your reputation? , What do you think will happen to your career as a model? " He threatened.

" You wouldn't dare. "

" And what if I do, eh? "

" I don't have time for your nonsense. " Rose replied as she took a step forward attempting to go into her room and pick up the clothes she needed but as soon as she took a step she was pushed to the wall and caged by the Now crazy Jeremy.

" What are you doing, Let me go! " Rose Exclaimed as she struggled to break free from his grip but she failed.

" Don't push me away Rose , I want you, I need you. " He said as he attempted to kiss her but Rose didn't allow that.

" Let me go! " She screamed as she started kicking.

" I won't, let me have a taste of you after all other men in the industry have. "

Hearing this statement, Rose got so annoyed that she spat on him, this only Provoked Jeremy further as he Slapped her harshly across the face.

Rose felt the stinging Pain on her cheeks and felt like crying but she bit her lips to stop her from Crying out.

" How dare you , Slap me! Jeremy! , Have you forgotten all your manners? , Didn't your mom teach you how to treat girls? , When did you become a Jerk! "

Hearing this from Rose , Jeremy felt very angry and soon he lost all rationality.

" My mom didn't teach me how to treat girls but my dad sure did. " He said and the next moment he forcefully Kissed Rose, shocking the latter and before the latter could react, he tore the Hand of her top.

Rose immediately became alert as she started struggling and screaming.

" Please save me! Help me, I need to be saved, Hubby!!! " She screamed.

Hearing her Screaming for her and Calling Hubby, Jeremy paused in his actions as he suddenly thought.

' What if she's indeed Married? '

But he convinced himself otherwise and was about to continue with what he was doing when....

He heard a Gun shot in the room.

The shot was aimed at his side but missed a little.

Seeing this , he was shocked and finally realeased Rose, he turned to look at his oppressors and was completely shocked by what he saw.

He saw More than a dozen fully harmed men, pointing their Guns at him.

' What's going on? ' He thought.

" Let our Madam go now or you'll pay with your life? " One said.

" Who's your madam? " He asked confused.

" Mrs Rose Romero. " Came his short reply.

" What! " Daniel was shocked as his legs lost strength as he fell to the ground.

Just then the Door busted open and a Panicked Daniel run into the room towards Rose with his Personal Assistant trailing behind him.

Immediately he got to where Rose is, he quickly embraced her tightly and then the latter began to sob uncontrollably.

" He.. tried to... " She stammered.

" It's okay, Honey, you are safe now. " He said in a Consoling tone as he patted her back.

" Mm. " Rose replied as she fainted in his embrace.

Seeing this , Daniel's heart ached as he turned his head to look at Jeremy who was severely frightened.

He only looked at him for a second before he spoke to the Head of the bodyguards.

" You Know what to do. " He said and without waiting for him to respond he quickly carried Rose out , princess styled.