Chapter 64

Chapter 58

As soon as they got away from there, they walked to one of the guest rooms.

There Little Lucia suddenly stopped and faced her mom.

" Mom, are you alright? Did that man hit you? " She asked with concern written all over her face.

" Am fine, honey I didn't let him hurt me. "

" Oh, is that man truly my Dad? "

" He is.." Stella replied after a moment of hesitation.

" Oh, but why did he suddenly come back? Didn't he abandon you years ago so why is he suddenly here? " She inquired.

" Well, he wants to blackmail me into giving him money and... " Stella explained the whole situation to her super-intelligent daughter, she told her everything in detail not leaving a single thing.

" How dare he! Who is he anyway? " Stella angrily said.

" Please keep calm, darling. " Stella urged.

" So what are you planning to do now, Mom? "

" Well, nothing much I'll just wait to see how it goes, we just need to be very careful from now onwards and Lucia please don't go anywhere with strangers as you know your safety is very important most especially now that you are revealed to the world as a singer.. "

" Don't worry mom, I'll be super careful from now onwards. " She assured.

" Hm, okay that's my girl, let's go and join the party. "

" Sure. "


" Um, Hubby can you please hold Little jemmy for a while, I need to use the bathroom, " Lucy told her husband.

" Sure I'll, come back soon. " He replied as he collected the wrapped up baby from her.

" Alright, thanks. " She replied, she then stood on tiptoes and Pecked him on the cheeks after which she left his sight before he could react.

Adam Smiled watching her silently.

" Hey Adam, I see that you have become more Jovial after Your child has been born. " CEO Daniel suddenly appeared.

" I remember that you used to be a Stony-faced CEO who doesn't even smile, then I thought that maybe you don't like women and preferred being single all your life. " He continued with an amused smile.

Adam who was originally staring at the baby finally looked up at Daniel before he replied with a smile.

" Well, that's how it is, I am not only a CEO of a multinational Company but also a husband and a father so you can't expect me to keep being the way I was. "

" Don't worry you'll understand how I feel when you finally become a father, by the way, have you and Rose talked about having a child yet? " He asked.

" Not yet but we'll do it soon, I didn't bring it up because she has been under a lot of stress and pressure which have suddenly Been reduced so I guess we'll have to talk about it soon. "

" Please do, I think that Rose loves little kids, didn't you see her reaction when she heard that Lucy was pregnant? "

" Yes I did, it was very amusing, for a moment there I almost thought that she was the one that was pregnant. "

" Hm, she'll be a very great mother. "

" She will. "

The men continued talking about some random stuff till they were approached by some CEOs from other companies.

" Good day, Mr. Standford and Mr. Romero. " A man who was known as Mr. Elite greeted.

He was holding hands with a Supermodel woman who was no other than Natasha Williams the Winner of the most beautiful Boobs and buttocks.

" Good day to you too. " The men replied in sync.

" Hm, well I didn't know that the both of you are this close, I never thought that The two CEOs whose business is controlling the western world could be as close as best friends, it's so unexpected. "

" Well, our wives are best friends so it's expected that we both will be too, right? "

" Yes, you are right. "

The model he held was already fuming with Rage by now she still couldn't swallow the fact that Rose was able to get married to a big shot.

What did He see in her that he didn't see in her?

She deserves to be with Ceo Daniel and not Rose so why?

Not only did Rose steal her commercial but also the man that belongs to her.

[ A/N: I guess she's forgetting that CEO Daniel isn't a thing to be possessed ]

She started hating Rose more and more by the day.

She wished that she should just die!

Why did Rose have to own everything while she would have to settle for crumbs?


First Rose was engaged to her Dream guy and now she's married to her Dream husband

Why? Is Rose the only woman on Earth? Why did she always get to have the best?

Why? What did she do to deserve all of this?

Isn't she nothing but a Cheap Model who slept her way up?

So why?

" I wonder what you are thinking so deeply about that is making you frown, Miss Natasha? " Daniel's provoking voice was heard.

" Uh? "

" Oh, seems like you weren't paying attention, I was asking what you were thinking so deeply about. "

" Oh, that it was nothing serious just some random thoughts. " She replied with a forced smile, would she dare to tell him the truth that she was cursing his wife in her mind.

No right?

She isn't seeking death yet, alright?

" Okay, I hope what you are saying is the truth. " Daniel intentionally said, he recognized the model in front of him as the one who often caused trouble for his wife but well he didn't take any action as he decided to let his wife handle her but he was very well aware that he wouldn't be so merciful if she dares to do anything stupid.

" I think she is, Ceo Daniel. " Mr. Elite quickly said as he felt the temperature of the room dropping.

Even though he wasn't aware of what was going on, he knew one thing and that he must not offend the man in front of him.

" He's right, CEO Daniel. " Nancy replied with a fake smile.

She looked calm on the outside but she was actually gritting her teeth and cursing Rose time and time again in her mind.

' Achoo! ' Rose suddenly sneezed where she was surprising Stella and Lucia who was with her.

" What happened, Auntie? , Did you catch a cold? "

" No, I didn't, I don't know why but I just suddenly sneezed. "

" Oh, perhaps you should ask a maid to prepare a hot tea for you to curb it. "

" Okay, I'll do that. "

" Wait, why do I feel that you Sneezed because someone was talking about you badly behind your back? " Lucia said.

" Oh, who told you that? " Stella asked Suprised.

" Well, Auntie Lucy did. " She replied Proudly.

" Oh. "

" I think you are right but who could be talking badly about me presently? "

" It could be anyone since you are famous. "

" Hm, that's true, let me look for a maid to make me Lemon tea. "

" Sure, we'll be waiting here for you. "

" Okay, thanks. " She replied as she left immediately.

[ Thanks for reading, what do you think Is going to happen next, Guys? Any guesses? ]