Chapter 69

Chapter 63.

Adam came home later in the afternoon and wasn't so Suprised to see Lucia there.

" Hey Lucia, how are you? "

" Am fine, President. " Though Lucia was a little close to Adam she still couldn't help but still give him the respect he deserves so she couldn't help but address him as president instead of the usual uncle or whatever.

" That's good, I hope you have eaten? "

" Of course I have, if not I won't be talking nicely. " She replied playfully.

Adam couldn't help but roll his eyes at her act.

She took his coat and placed it in the coat rack while asking, " by the way uncle, why did you have to go to work today since it's the weekend? "

" Well, I had some unfinished work to do so I had to go to the company to finish it. "

" Oh, but why didn't you just let your assistant do it? " She asked with curiosity.

" Well, he went out on a date with his girlfriend so he couldn't come to the office today. "

" Oh, he's very Lucky to get a boss like you who gives him breaks to go on a date, if I were the one I wouldn't even give him a single day off during public holidays. " She replied with a frown.

Adam was speechless, he didn't expect her to be the type that bears grudges.

The only thing his assistant did to offend her was to call her Smarty and Chubby and he was aware that the latter had apologized countless times but the Lucia wouldn't just let it go lying down.

" Why are you so angry at him? He was just complimenting you and meant no offense, alright? " He had asked her.

" I know but I just can't forgive him, just because I am smart and chubby doesn't mean he has to say it bluntly? Why didn't he just keep it in , there was no need for him to say it out bluntly alright? . " She replied sheepishly.

" Oh... " He was driven speechless.

" Everyone is getting into a relationship except my mom and I, perhaps I should start searching for a suitable groom for her. " Adam heard her mumble.

Though it was just a mumble but he heard it clearly all thanks to his sharp hearing sense.

" Do you think your mom would appreciate you getting a groom for her? Because to me, she doesn't look like someone interested in being in a relationship "

" I know but I'll still give it a shot who knows I might end up succeeding, she can't remain single forever and she's just 31 so there's still hope. " She said with determination.

" Hm, you've got a point there, I hope you succeed though. "

" Of course I'll! I am Lucia Jackson and I never lose in anything! " She replied Proudly.

Adam was about to reply to her when...

" Hey hubby, you are back! " Lucy's soft and melodious voice echoed in the room as she approached them she then walked towards Adam and Embraced him before pecking his sturdy lips.

" Oh, my eyes! , What am I witnessing! " Lucia winced as she covered her eyes with her little hands dramatically.

" Oh, you are here, sorry I didn't see you. " Lucy replied apologetically.

" Why didn't you tell me that she was there? You could have warned me beforehand, now you made me embarrassed! " Lucy scolded Adam.

Adam raised his hands in surrender before he spoke up, " You didn't give me the time to react

So it is not my fault alright? "

" But... "

Lucia watched the two lovers bickering in front of her like children with an amused smile on her face.

" You guys don't have to argue about this alright? I am already aware of the fact that you both can't keep your hands off each other and am already used to being stuffed with dog food with your public display of affection so you don't have to explain anything. " She replied before she walked back to the sitting room where she turned on the TV set and started watching her favorite movie, Game Shakers leaving the Two lovers staring Suprisedly at her.

After recovering from the Surprise, Adam Walked towards his bedroom upstairs while Lucy walked towards Lucia and sat beside her on the couch.

" Oh, I didn't know that you were a fan of Game Shakers and Thunderman , I actually thought you love fairy tales. " Lucy said.

" Fairy tales? That's for kids and I am not one alright? "

' Then what are you? ' Lucy thought inwardly, she didn't dare say it to the little Ten year old girl.

" Hm, why did you say that? " She enquired.

" Well, fairy tales teaches and features happily ever after and I have grown to realize that there's no such thing as happily ever after so why watch it when they are against my belief and are too childish for me? "

[ To the youngsters that watch fairy tales, * Sorry * ]

" Oh, then why did you pick this? " Lucy asked with her hands on her chin.

" Well, I need something to make me laugh away my worries and to think about the betterment of things. " She replied.

" Oh. " Lucia replied and soon she left the living room to her bedroom living Little Lucia who was now engrossed in watching The movie, ' Game Shakers '

[ Have you tried watching, Game Shakers before? , I tried once and I loved it perhaps you guys should try to if you haven't.]