Chapter 71

Chapter 65.

Rose POV.

After having a light lunch, I left my company after giving instructions on what to do to Stella and the secretary though I knew that this was probably unnecessary as they were already aware of what needed to be done.

That's one of the many benefits of Dealing with Smarties.

I soon got to my husband's Company in my car, my driver was the one driving actually since I am not allowed to drive ever since I got pregnant.

I don't know how driving affects pregnancy but as always I couldn't win against Daniel.

As soon as I got there, My husband's assistant came to pick me up and we went into the private elevator together.


" I heard that you are getting engaged next month, Patrick. "

" Yes, Ma'am. "

" Oh, so how are the Preparations going? "

" They are going well, Mrs, thanks for asking. "

" Hm. " She replied.

They exited the elevator and Got into the Hallway leading to the Ceo's office.

As they got closer, they passed through the secretary's office.

There a woman was typing something on her laptop.

She was a woman in her early Forties, she was slim, she has sun-kissed skin and curly brown hair which made her beautiful yet elegant.

" Good afternoon, Mrs. Romero. " She greeted when she looked up and saw Rose staring back at her.

" Afternoon, Mrs. Yvonne, I hope you are doing well. "

" I am, thanks for asking. "

" Hm. " Rose replied as she continued walking ahead.

[ A/N: not all secretaries are envious of their bosses wife, * Wink * ]

Soon, she got to her husband's door.

She was about to knock when the door suddenly opened and she was pulled gently into a warm embrace.

Patrick immediately left after confirming that Rose was in safe hands, he didn't dare stay any longer in fear of being stuffed with dog food.

" How many times have I told you that you don't need to knock? "

" Hm... " She mumbled in a spoilt manner as she was still enjoying the warm embrace.

He shut the door and then carried her princess styled in his arms.

Rose circled her arms around his neck as he carried her.

Soon they got to the couch where he sat with Rose on his lap.

The office was large, about 30 square meters in size. On either side, there were bookshelves pinned to the wall, there was a Medium-sized lovely Mahogany desk where office work was done, there were bundles of documents, Writing materials, a Computer a printer, and a keyboard on it. In addition to the couch, there was also a small bar next to it.

" Have you had your lunch, yet? " He asked her.

" Um, I had a little snack. "

" Okay, I have already ordered our dinner. "

" Hm. "

" So how was work today? I hope you didn't do anything you shouldn't do. "

" Well, I... " Rose couldn't continue her words as she felt a little guilty.

Hearing her words, Daniel was convinced that she did something wrong, so he raised his head from her belly and looked at her straight in the eye.

" So what did you do? " He asked in a husky voice.

" Well, I.. ran down the stairs earlier when I was late for work. " She said in a small voice as she was scared of his reaction and as expected, the moment her voice landed, the atmosphere turned cold.

" I am sorry, I... "

" What do you want to say? That you are sorry? Sorry? What do you think will happen if you fell down the stairs? How do you think I'll feel? I try my best to make you understand that you are very important to me, I can't bear to see you in pain, Don't you understand that! "

" But I was careful and didn't fall down the stairs! "

" Yeah you didn't, but what if you did? , Have you forgotten that you are pregnant? If you don't care about yourself at least worry for our child that's inside you, do you think he or she will be happy to realize that his mother is careless, uh? " He questioned her in an annoyed tone though trying to keep his anger at bay.

" Am sorry, I was very careless, I am a bad mother, a bad wife a bad person, woohoo! I know that I was at Fault but please don't be angry at me, I.. .. " she busted into tears, her pregnancy hormones weren't helping matters as she tends to get emotional pretty easily.

Seeing this, Daniel's heart ached, he felt that he had gone too far, he was just very worried about her and didn't mean to hurt her feelings but he seemed like he ended up doing what he didn't want to.

He wiped her tears gently with his fingers and then held her chin making her look Straight into his eyes.

Her eyes were tear-filled which made him feel guilty, he promised himself not to make her cry but that was exactly what he ended up doing.

He cursed himself inwardly for making her shed tears.

His gaze softened as he spoke to her with a soft voice, " Am Very sorry, Honey, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I was just very worried about you and that's because I love you so much and can't live without you, please forgive me uh? "

" You are very mean! " She said while hitting his chest with her tightened fists.

" Yes I am mean, you can hit me as much as you like but please don't cry again, it breaks my heart to see you cry. " He pleaded.

" But, I... " The words were swallowed back as Daniel Pressed his lips against hers and soon they were immersed in kissing.

The Large office was filled with kissing sounds from the couple.

Rose suddenly felt weakened as the kiss continued and laid on Daniel's chest as they continued Kissing.

Soon they stopped when Rose was out of breath.

" I love you, Honey. " Daniel said in a hoarse voice.

" I love you too. " Rose replied in a small voice, she still had her face hidden in Daniel's embrace


" How's the food? " Daniel asked Rose while they were eating lunch on the small dining table which had two chairs.

" It's delicious. " Rose replied with a grin.

" Oh, I am glad then. " He was not only glad that she enjoyed the food but also because she hadn't started having morning sickness and so on.

" Hm. " Rose replied Simply as she continued eating the pasta.


" Oh, I am so full! " Rose Exclaimed after dinner as she lay lazily on the couch.

" You ate a lot than you Normally do so it's expected, why don't you go out for a walk? " He suggested.

" No, no, I am feeling too tired to walk " She replied in a spoilt manner.

" Hm, why don't I take you to lie in the bed then? "

" No, I want to stay here and watch you work. "

" Alright, alright. " He replied in surrender as he took a blanket and covered her legs and adjusted her position to make her more comfortable on it.

Rose was grinning widely like a child watching him tuck her in.

She swung her legs and by mistake, she hit him where she wasn't supposed to.

Daniel's body heated the moment he was hit.

The desires which he had been trying to hold were now very obvious in his eyes.

When Rose saw the fire in his eyes, she gulped.

She immediately knew what was wrong, " Am sorry, I didn't mean to. " She apologized.

" You don't have to. " He said and walked back to his chair still trying to control himself.

' Get a hold of yourself, you can't right now! Rose is pregnant! ' He chanted.

Soon he got control over himself and restarted his computer.

He glanced at The couch where Rose was and then he realized that she was asleep already.

He smiled dotingly looking at her sleeping face, he then went over and carried her princess style to the small bedroom in his office.

He placed her carefully on the bed which was covered with a Sky blue bed cover.

After tucking her in, He gave her a peck on her forehead before leaving the room quietly as he didn't want to wake her up.

[ A/N: I tried, right? ]