Chapter 83

Chapter 77

Author's POV.

" Boss, boss! " A scar-faced man yelled as he ran to where his boss was.

The boss in question was none other than Rick, who was currently drinking from a glass of beer.

" What is it? " He asked nonchalantly.

I just used the binoculars and found two cars coming towards this area.

" Two cars? Are you sure? "

" Yes, Boss ."

" Oh, so it means that Stella didn't listen to my instructions, she's playing with fire and would get burned. " He said.

" Now, go and take the girl and transfer her to the underground store now! " He ordered.

" But boss the underground store is where we kept our other kidnappers, what if? " The man protested.

" There's no what if! It's either you do as I say or not before they arrive! , So get to work now! " He said impatiently.

The scar-faced man bowed a little before he left to do the job he had been assigned to.


Lucia's POV.

I had been left alone in the small room for hours now.

I wasn't able to find a way out so I had no choice but to sit there and watch.

I am very worried about my mom, I wanted to know how she's doing.

I feel very guilty, I wish I had listened to her and not been stubborn.

I miss my mom, I had not stayed a day without seeing her before so I miss her now more than ever.

Perhaps the famous Quote, Absence makes the heart go fonder is true as I miss my mom now.

' Bang! ' The old wooden door was opened.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest hearing it.

I didn't know why but I suddenly have a bad premonition about it.

This time instead of only the Scar-faced man, there was also a man along with him who was shorter.

They walked closer to me in silence and as soon as they got to me, they started losing the rope around me.

I was confused at first but just pretended not to care.

As soon as the rope loosened, they held me in their tight grip and started Dragging me out of the room, and for the first time, I saw how it looked like.

When we got to the hallway, they dragged me towards a room on the ground floor.

At first, I thought they were going to leave me there but I was wrong as they soon uncovered a hole on the floor in the room.

I was shocked to realize that the hole was a large one with stairs.

Then they dragged me and began descending the stairs downwards.

As we continued walking down, it became darker and darker.

We soon got to another hallway and before I knew what was going on, I was pushed into a dark room with a small lantern as the only source of light.

As soon as I was pushed into the room, the door closed with a bang.

I was now there in the room.

I tried straining my eyes a little to survey my surroundings.

Due to my good eyesight.

I was able to know that the room was more bigger and spacious than the one I was put in before.

Just then, the smell of urine came to me and I felt nauseous all of a sudden.

I stood up and tried to walk to a more comfortable part of the room when I stumbled on something hard and soft and fell on it.

" Ouch. " I heard a boyish voice groaning in pain and then I realized that I had just Falfallen a human being.

I was stunned at this realization.

" Will you stand up or are you planning to break my bones? " The boy replied harshly gritting his teeth.

" Oh. " I tried standing up but fell back on him, " Am sorry. " I quickly said.

" You damned girl! Are you trying to take advantage of me? , This isn't funny! " He spat out angrily.

I managed to stand up from above him and walked two meters away from him before sitting down.

" Why are you sitting so close to me? " He asked in a harsh tone. " keep some distance! " He spat out.

" Stop shouting okay? , I can seat wherever I like so shut up! " I replied calmly.

" Who are you telling to shut up, uh? Do you even know who I am? " He threatened.

" Oh, who you are? " I questioned sarcastically

" What do you mean? " He asked with a frown.

" Nothing much, I don't need to know who you are but one thing I know is that we are both kidnap victims. "

" And who told you that I was kidnapped? " He demanded Angrily.

" Oh, isn't it obvious? Don't tell me that you came here for some sightseeing? "

" You...! "

" Just quit that, why don't we think of how to escape from here instead of arguing? " I suggested.

" Whatever. " He scoffed.

I smiled discreetly and then I looked at the guy in front of me.

His skin was cream-colored, His dark curly hair sat perfectly atop his head making him look more mature and handsome.

" Why are you staring at me like that? " He asked in a firm tone his bright blue eyes were staring intensely at me.

" Oh nothing, I just think that you are a little handsome. " I replied Shamelessly.

" You...! "

" Speechless uh? " I said with a soft giggle.