Chapter 105

Chapter 99

Maple Residence.

Mrs Taylor walked into the house.

" Good day, Madam.." The house keeper greeted her.

She nodded " Hmm. "

She went straight to the master bedroom and as soon as she got there, she was about to open the door when it was opened from inside.

She was dragged in and the door closed with a bang.

" What!. " She looked up and was stunned by what she saw.

Her husband was hovering over her, his eyes were red with anger. His white shirt and red tie was rumbled.

It looked like he had just gone on a tough battle with the way he looked.

" Honey... What..! "

* Pak *

Before she could complete her sentence his hands connected with her cheeks leaving her completely stunned.

" Honey.. ! "

" Didn't I ask you not to show your face in front of me you wretched woman! "

" But..! "

" Shut up! Did I ask you to speak?. Not only did you make our family a laughing stock but you also put the company at risk. Why didn't you use your brains for once before ordering the girl to be punished? "

" But I didn't know... "

" How would you when you are too dumb and stupid! "

" Am sorry, Honey.."

" Sorry? . What would that do? The value of the stocks company is dropping every minute and you say sorry? "

" But we can still do something to arrest the situation right? "

" Oh really? If it's that easy don't you think I would have done that already? "

" Em.. "

" You don't Know what to say right? . Listen you must find a way to plead with the girl or the mother so they can help us out of this or else. "

" I have tried but... "

" But what? "

" I wasn't even allowed to get close to the girl as the security around her hospital Ward is so tight like she's some sort of a princess or something. "

" You see what you've done? This only means that the girl you offended isn't an ordinary girl. That reminds me, what's the name of the girl? "

" Umm... Lucia Jackson. "

" What! Lucia Jackson? Don't you know that she's the treasure of the Standford's , Romero's and Chen's? "

" How can that be possible? She's just a nobody alright? How can the three most richest and influential family in the country be behind her? "

" Do you think every child is as dumb as your useless son? . Not only was he rude to her but he also disrespected her! After the incident that happened at the fair I continuously warned both you and your son not to offend anyone but no! you won't listen and see what you've caused now?. I guess that you must be very happy now to see the company in ruins. "

" No honey... "

" Don't! Just don't! If you can't find a solution to all of this just don't add to it! And yes I want you to leave my sight this instant. I don't want to see you! "

" But... "

" Leave! "

She quickly opened the door and ran out afraid of her husband's wrath.

She went to her son's room.

As she went closer she heard her son's spoilt and demanding voice.

' He's throwing a tantrum, again! ' she thought helplessly.

She entered the room and immediately she did a pillow was thrown at her.

She managed to dodge it just in time before it hits her.

" What's going on, Will? " She asked in a gentle voice as she went closer to her son who was lying on the bed and screaming at the maid.

Seeing that she didn't get a reply, she turned to the maid who was almost in tears from being frightened, " You can leave now, Polina. "

" Alright.. , Ma'am. "

When the maid left.

Mrs Taylor went and sat beside her son on the bed, she was about to touch him when.

" Don't touch me! " He screamed.

" What's wrong, baby? . "

" Don't talk to me , Mom! "

" What's going on, darling? . Why are you so harsh to Mommy? "

" Mommy? You call yourself my mom but you can't even defend me? "

" I don't understand you, darling. "

" Why wasn't that girl punished despite intentionally injuring me? You are my mom aren't you supposed to get justice for me? "

" I tried to but... "

" But what mom? The girl is a nobody compared to us but still you couldn't take revenge for me! "

" But, son... "

" Don't! Don't talk to me Mom... Leave Me alone! " He yelled at her.

" Baby. " She tried to touch him again but he shifted away from her, " go away mom, I don't need a mother who can't even get justice for me. "

" I am sorry, baby. Please forgive me. "

He didn't reply.

Seeing this, Mrs Taylor sighed helplessly before Walking out of the room.

She lied on the closed door, her fists were clenched tightly beside her.

She wished she could do something but she didn't know what she could.

What could she do to someone who was been protected by the three most powerful families in the country?

Nothing, right?

She went to her room and sat on the bed thinking of what she could do to save her marriage and the company but she didn't get any ideas.

She then went online and the news of their family's company dropping was all that was broadcasted.

Damn it!

How could it be?

In just one day they are going from Grace to grass.

How powerful is the Standford's family exactly?

Though she wasn't aware of how powerful they are but she knew one thing.

They are not to be messed with.

She wished she had just listened to the vice principal of the school and allowed the incident to slide.

She should have just used her logic and not her son but well...

What's done is done.

And she regrets it a lot.

Now, her family and company is at risk all because of her stupid mistake!
