Volume 3: Thirteen

* Happy New year, readers!!!!! I hope and pray that this new year brings you and your family lots of happiness and joy, Have a fantastic year, readers!!! Love you all.. muah! *

Jemmy's POV.

It's been one month since I have resumed into my school and it's been amazing so far!

Now, I have got a best friend, Stacy Wales.

She's super sweet and caring!

What more can I ask for?

Today we had Economics for the first and second period, then we had Agricultural science.

So far, My best subjects are: English and Economics.

I also love reading, like a whole lot, thankfully we've got a library of books at home or I don't know how I'll be able to cope with my craving for books.

The funniest part is that I love reading historical books mostly, I find myself being super curious about histories and what happened in time pasts.

I know it might sound weird to you but well, that's me.

I do love reading other genres but I love historical books the most.