150 : Part 2

Chapter 50: Part 2: Pain.

* Some people are worth melting for ---- a quote from the movie, Frozen. *

* Happy 150chapters, guys! *


Jemmy was lying on her bed on an early morning on Sunday...

Unlike other Sundays, she was reluctant to get out of bed to prepare for service...

She just felt too lazy to even get out of bed this time.

So she just lay on her bed and tapped the shuffle button on her phone.

Coincidentally, 57seconds by Evie Claire began playing.

It started with toys

On carpeted floors

Playing tag with you

Out in the grass

Oh, how I miss that.

The song happened to be a very emotional one... The Sixteen-year-old singer sang it after she lost her Dad to colon cancer.

Then pillow fights

And bowling nights

To Midnight snacks

And piggyback rides

We never seemed to get tired.

The lyrics of the song reflect just how much the singer missed her Dad and the times they spent together...

I held your hand

to the end