Additional Chapter 1 : Part C

Additional Chapter 1: Part C.

* One man may be the difference between victory and defeat ---- a quote from the movie, Entitled, Mulan. *


---- Stacy ----

Do you know the feeling of losing a part of you?

When you feel like your whole life is meaningless?

The pain of losing something so priceless that can never be regained...

I was there, when My best friend, Jemmy breathed her last.

I heard when the doctor said the words...

<< Time of death, 11:59 am. >>

Those words are one I was sure that I'll never forget...

In my entire life...

I watched how the nurse Covered Jemmy with the bedsheet.

I was there, then!

I just couldn't believe it and I still can't!

Jemmy is no more?

I'll never be able to see her smile or laugh again.

I would never be able to hear her angelic voice again...

I would never be able to hug and peck her again... like I always do.

I would never be able to tease her again...

The mere thought of these broke me completely...