Ch. 51 Trade Deals and Temptations of House Martocs

On the morning of departure Elric had all of his women and two father-in-laws join him for breakfast. Over the meal he talked about the plans for the trip. Blaze and Rain would be going with him on the trip. He made plans to take Aalis and Aqua sailing once he got back. This would be a way to make up to them for staying back an keeping things running smoothly while he was gone. Of course his mother into father-in-law's would be helping out as well.

Rain came up with the idea of dropping off Haddle Jade in the sanctuary on the way to Gagaree. She could act as a protector for the dryad, and because the druids would have the ability to talk to her they could tell the kitty she would come back before to long. This would also save Aalis and Aqua from having to deal with a large upset cat.