Ch. 72 Witchy Wedding pt2

As soon as one of the guards informed Elric of the carriages' arrival in Dragon City, he rushed out of his throne room to great everyone. Not even wasting a minute, he started giving his three wives, and his mother marching orders, while having his dolls see to the needs of his in-laws, and Rain's two grandmothers.

"Aalis, Aqua, I want both of you to go put your feet up in the throne room. If the Voices of the people's request start to be to much for you, especially Chef, and Jenna who both have loads of documents that they want us to go over, just kick them out, and tell them to go over it in the study with me tomorrow before the wedding starts if it is urgent. Blaze if you could be so kind as to go with Rain, and Cherry Blossom to the main market in Foust Forest. Apparently they want you to help them with something that, mother, and I are not allowed to know about. While I can not order you around Grandmother Moon Flower, I do have a bit of a request if you are willing."