Ch. 96 New Witch Order

Early the next morning, Elric called for his guards,accompanied by his three knight class dolls, and the three new dolls belonging to Ava, Rain, and Cherry Blossom to escort the two adult hedge witches, along with the children from the secure location they were keeped in to his throne room. While the guards, and dolls escorted them, Elric asked Blaze, Ava, Cherry Blossom, and Rain to join him in the throne room, alongside all six Voices of the people, and Chieftain Bow Thunder. As the guards, and dolls brought the hedge witches into the throne room, it was clear to everyone that the children were extremely scared. Elric Standing in front of his throne with his wings spread wide did not help matters any. With his wings blocking most of his wives' views, only Ava caught sight of the youngest amongst the children brought in wetting her pants out of fright.