Ch. 108 Prison of ones own making

As Ava left to go get Master Sid, Elric pointed his right hand towards the space between the first to rings of the circle, and began to chant.

"Oh mighty river that carves its way through stone, and creates great falls, wash way thine foe, with thy cleansing waves." "Aqua Cannon."

A powerful jet of water shot forth from Elric's right hand towards the circle of runes carved in the floor before him, blasting away any trace for dirt, grime, dust, and fragments of broken stone in a hundred foot wide area.

"Am I the only one that saw that? I think I saw part of the circle of runes light up blue while master was casting." Ray said.

"No I noticed it too, and they where different than the ones that did so when his mother used a spell earlier."

"Did you happen to catch which ones light up?"

"Not completely, just that it was in the the middle ring of the circle, when your mother cast "water jet" it was the inner circle, and in the color red."