"Not very restful, because of such a rude awakening." He said, as Artro rushed past everyone, almost knocking Sid over as he embraced his wife, Ciara, lifting her into the air.
"Ahhck, your all wet, I would not care, but I happen to be in a white dress, that could become rather see through if it gets too wet."
"I can change that if you like, mother-in-law, I recently learned a cloth dyeing spell the other day, and would like to try it out anyway. So what color would you like it?"
"Black, that was always husband's favorite color from what I remember."
"Hocus Pocus, bippipty, Inkus, change to Black."
A small ray of an ink like liquid shot from Ava's right index finger towards the back of Ciara's dress slowly turning it black."
"Thanks Ava."
"Hold on Ciara, did she say mother-in-law? Exactly how long was I asleep for?"
"Oh, just long enough for our son to find me, and find time to marry six very special women."