Ch. 115 Rebuild the city.

As Dawn broke, Elric, and Blaze got dressed as fast as they could, so they could join the others for breakfast, and city planning. They also needed to give Artro a grand entrance, and let the people know that their king had returned. But Elric wanted a good plan for the city, and its reconstruction. That way they could let the people see it as their king had returned to rebuild the city. Elric knew that he needed to let his father take credit, so that he could return to his own empire when he was needed. He could not just leave the heavy burden on the shoulders of his father-in-law forever.

Sadly the man of the hour, and his mother were the last ones to make it to the table by more than an hour. Sid had already drawn up plans for a set of barracks with attached kitchens by the time they arived. As they found a spot at the table, Zephyr brought out a fresh batch of hotcakes, and sausage.

"Congratulations, mother."
