Ch. 118 So, what color are your scales father?

As Sid, and Artro made their way up the Odin's main boarding ramp, they caught sight of Elric standing at the top of ramp, tapping his right foot. Turning towards Sid, Artro spoke in a low voice saying, "You think he knows about the wine?"

"That would be my guess, your majesty."

"You know that I can hear you right. Anyway, I am not to upset over not having wine with dinner. But one of those bottles was one that I bought as a gift for Treni, that dryad I told you about. I really hope you enjoyed that particular bottle with mother at least."

"Sorry, was it special, or can it be replaced? I am willing to buy another bottle to replace the one your mother, and I drank."

"Special, no. Expensive, but not irreplaceable, at least to the best if my knowledge. You would most likely have a better idea about its rarity than I, father. I just selected the one the old man that owned the small, but well stocked wine house in Port Dawnstar said was his favorite."