Ch. 120 Father, and son trip

"No problem carrying you at all father. I have made a few trips across the oceans. Although, I typically make a short stop on the northern tip of Gagaree for a snack, when flying between my capital city, and the city that belongs to the main branch family of House Pendragon. But I guess the only real questions are how fast you want to get there, and how long will you need with my grandfather, that you have yet to even tell me the name of."

"I will leave the when up to you son, but the sooner the better, considering that your wives are going to give birth in a few months. Hard to say how long Aqua's pregnancy will last, but I would guess it should be close to that of a human one. I would imagine that we will need a few days to deal with your grandfather. I do not want to take away the surprise that his name will give you from him. As your grandfather likes to surprise people just as much as you seem too."