Ch. 145 Silver Sands

...or die on your feet."

"If you you think you can just barge in here and demand my crown, you have lost your mind young man."

"I see that you have chosen death. Hopefully the people of this kingdom are not as foolish as you."


Right after Elric snapped his fingers, the head, hands, feet, upper arms, lower arms, upper legs, and lower legs of the king all fell on to a large plate that appeared on the floor, all grilled to perfection except for the head.

Artro had a strange look on his face when Elric turned towards him. Arturo's face as frozen somewhere in between shock, horror, curiosity, and delight; makeing for a quite odd expression.

"What is with the strange look? If you are hungry, it is not like I'm am not willing to to share."