Ch. 150 Contractions


"Umm. Hello husband, should you you not be with Blaze right now? Not that I mind you coming to see me."

"I can not stay long, but I wanted to at least come by and give you a kiss before I left."

"When can you take me to see Sliver City Castle? Ava said it is really beautiful inside."

"Once things calm down there. Right now it is till quite hetic. It could be weeks or months before the people accept our rule fully. I still have to ensure the remaining soldiers and nobles to not try to revolt."

"Do you think they will?"

"Likely the army will not, but there is little chance that I could get them to put down their deep rooted ties to whatever noble houses they once served. If the lord they reconise tried to rise up, I would be forced to kill them. I would much rather they become loyal to my father."

"I see, well tell Blaze, and the other that I miss them."

"I will, but eveyone will be here one week from today for an important matter."

"What about Blaze?"