Ch. 161 Aqua's Spell

After going through the well hidden secret entrance in his bed chambers, Elric descended down the long shaft that lead down to the nest. Blaze was fast asleep with her tail wrapped around the base of the egg. She looked far to peaceful for him to want to wake her. So after spending a few minutes talking in a soft voice to their egg, Elirc gently warmed the stones around it best her could with Blaze's tail in the way. Once done he gave Blaze a short kiss on the top of her scaly nose before flying back up to his bed chamber.

He took time to wash up and put on clean clothes before walking to the nursery. As he opened the door, Elric caught sight Airisa holding Luna in her arms, rocking her ever so slightly. Once he stepped inside the room, Aalis looked up towards him from the corner of the room, where she sat nursing Solara.

"She should be full soon. Do you want to hold her after she is done?"